Barbara Simpson talks about several airlines looking at taking out seats and have you fly standing.
Archives for July 2014
Flick Nation: Guardians of the Galaxy…Fun
Marvel’s long-awaited “Guardians of the Galaxy” blasts off and it’s a huge crowd-pleaser with attitude! Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Ken Dito: A’s Trade
Ken Dito discusses the big trade between the Red Sox and A’s, essentially swapping Jon Lester for Yoenis Cespedes. Is that what the A’s need to win the World Series?
Ed & Rosie: Stephen A. Smith Suspended from ESPN
Ed Baxter and Rose Allen disagree about whether Stephen A. Smith should have been suspended from ESPN. The issue is whether women can provoke an attack.
John Rothmann: Collecting Political Memorabilia
John Rothmann talks about coins that are minted during political campaigns. He has the John F. Kennedy and Ben Franklin coins.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Is There Earthquake Weather?
Lloyd Lindsay Young debunks the earthquake weather myth. Also high temperatures occur late in the day, and anywhere is tornado weather.
Ken Dito: Butch Whacks and the Glass Packs
Ken Dito talks about one of the great San Francisco party bands. Butch Whacks and the Glass Packs should come back.
Ed Baxter: Bieber and Bloom Push, Eat Big Hamburger
Ed Baxter details nonsense stories from Bieber and Bloom, lighting oneself on fire, man who puts his hand down sleeping woman panties on airplane, and Monster Hamburger plate.
Malou Nubla: Malou Drinks and Doesn’t Drive
Ride Sharing and my slammin’ deal on Uber X! Malou Nubla in Malou Review talks about the idea of using Uber X.
John Rothmann: Impeach the President?
33% of Americans want Barack Obama impeached. John Rothmann points out about the same number wanted to impeach George W Bush, and Bill Clinton and that impeachment is a political act.
Ed & Rosie: Drones, Zimmerman, Bachelorette Sex
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk drones over a fire, George Zimmerman a security guard, the Bachelorette and multiple sex, Charles Barkley special gift.
Elizabeth Kate: Elizabeth and Irish Whiskey
Elizabeth Kate visits an Irish pub and says why not try a good Whiskey. Women and men and shots of Whiskey.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather Affects Our Mood
Lloyd Lindsay Young says heat affects our mood and lack of sun can as well. Seasonal Affect Disorder a real thing?
Ed & Rosie: Debt in the US is Scary
More than 35% of the population are drowning in debt and are being followed by collection agencies. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen say debt in the USA is scary.
Flick Nation: Boyhood is Cinematic History
Steve Wagner chats with acclaimed director Richard Linklater (Before Midnight, Dazed and Confused, Bernie) about his landmark film Boyhood, spending 12 years on one project, the memory power of pop music, and how Bernie is doing.
Ed & Rosie: Naked TV Shows
Naked and Afraid is a show that features naked people. Ed and Rosie talk about the trend toward new TV shows.
Stan Burford: Three Day Work Week
Stan Burford “thinking without borders” looks at Carlos Slim”s idea of a three day work week of 11 hours a day. Netherlands has a 29 hour work week and could squeeze more people into the workforce.
Ed & Rosie: President’s Fist Bumps and Health
The President does fist bumps rather than shaking hands. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen look at health and handshaking.
Ken Dito: Sports Athletes Distractions
Ken Dito discusses sports stars as distractions. Joe Namath, Johnny Manziel, Pete Rozelle, Aldon Smith.
Flick Nation: Divergent at Flick Nation
Shailene Woodley is Divergent, Russell Crowe is Noah, and Aaron Paul needs a new agent, er, Speed. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Lightning Strikes Super Danger
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about lightning strikes and safety. Lightning, golf, beaches, and telephones.
Ken Dito: Life in the Minor Leagues
Ken Dito talks with Ed Ricks who was in the Yankee organization for several years about the correct way to teach baseball to kids.
John Rothmann: San Francisco’s Unique Housing Problem
John Rothmann discusses San Francisco’s dilemma of creating affordable housing and keeping the neighborhoods.
Ed & Rosie: Kid Poops on Newspaper in Plane
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the parents who let their toddler poop on a newspaper in a plane. Delta Airlines is trying to sort out the mess.
Ken Dito & Joe Starkey: La Russa, HOF and Steroids
Ken Dito and Joe Starkey talk about what Tony La Russa has said about steroids in baseball. He has been inducted in the Hall of Fame and Ken and Joe talk Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco, Barry Bonds.
Ed & Rosie: Megan Fox, Kiefer Sutherland, Jenny McCarthy
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen fill the gossip file with Megan Fox, Kiefer Sutherland, Jenny McCarthy.
John Rothmann: The March of Radical Islam
John Rothmann details the destruction at the hands of the Taliban. The shrine of Jonah may be the first in the line of many more shrine destruction.
Elizabeth Kate: Italian Wine is Fabulous
Elizabeth Kate details seeing the movie “A Trip to Italy” saying that she laughed so hard she had tears. Kate details the role of Chianti and travel to Italy.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather on Cell Phones Suck
Lloyd Lindsay Young details how inaccurate weather on cell phones can be. Where to go for accurate on your mobile device.
Ken Dito: What is Terry Whitfield Doing Now?
Ken Dito talks with baseball great Terry Whitfield about teaching baseball to kids.
Barbara Simpson: President Obama Fundraises and Fundraises
Barbara Simpson discusses the fundraising that President Obama is doing. Fundraising in Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Ed & Rosie: Dangerous Dogs That Kill
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the Cane Corso dog that killed a jogger. He had attacked before and Ed says the owner should be in jail.
Elizabeth Kate: The Right Way To Buy Wine
Is there a right way to buy wine? Elizabeth Kate says you can buy wine in a supermarket, boutique store or Costco depending on what kind of help you need.
John Rothmann: Execution by Firing Squad
John Rothmann discusses a San Francisco judge who feels that firing squads are more humane than lethal injection.
Ken Dito: A Bunch of Triples
Ken Dito recaps the Dodgers/Giants game in which Puig hit three triples.
Ed Baxter: 80 Year-Old Man Shoots a Burglar
Ed Baxter asks whether it makes sense an 80 year-old man has the right to shoot intruders in his home. He kills a woman who yelled she was pregnant.
Barbara Simpson: The Real West is Still Alive
Barbara Simpson says those people who discount the spirit of the West are tragically mistaken. The morals and values should be envied.
Ed & Rosie: 80 Year-Old Man Shoots Burglars
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the 80 year-old man who shot and killed a burglar who was fleeing from his home. What are the rights of home owners?
Elizabeth Kate: Malbec, The Grape and the Wine
Elizabeth Kate discusses Malbec wine that comes from Argentina. Malbec really comes from France?
Ken Dito: The A’s and Astros ReMix
Ken Dito recaps the A’s and Astros series.
Flick Nation: Scarlett Johansson Gets the Instant Review
It’s the return of the most honest review you can find: in the car on the way home! Dennis Willis and Steve Wagner’s immediate reaction to Luc Besson’s thriller Lucy with Scarlett Johansson, minutes after seeing it.
Malou Nubla: Social Clubs in Review
Malou Nubla talks about the one stop shopping clubs for gentlemen. Malou has joined the Battery and has a Malou Review.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: El Nino has Weakened?
What is El Nino? Lloyd Lindsay Young says it has gotten weaker and we do not get a lot of rain in California.
Ed & Rosie: The Gossip File
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen trash Robin Thicke, Jay Z and Beyonce, Daniel Ratcliffe talks about losing his virginity.
Ken Dito: Giants and Phillies ReMix
Ken Dito reviews the Giants – Phillies series.
Barbara Simpson: Does the President Serve All the People?
Barbara Simpson says the President has been ignoring high profile Republicans regarding the Immigration issue. Simpson says Obama needs to respond to Arizona governor Jan Brewer.
John Rothmann: Fixing the Death Penalty
John Rothmann says three recent botched death penalty tries should renew the debate over the death penalty.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Driving in Different Kinds of Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about his experience at the DMV and that morphs into different kinds of driving weather.
Flick Nation: Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth and more
Capsule reviews of new movies with Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth, Emma Stone, Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Ed Baxter: Obama Contraception Compromise
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of the Obama administration’s effort to not have to make businesses with religious beliefs against contraception pay for it while, getting the coverage for women.