What happens if your pension gets cut? John Rothmann discusses what happened in Detroit where union members were forced to vote on pensions funding.
Archives for July 2014
Ken Dito: Think About Your Skin
Ken Dito gets expert skin advice from a dermatologist. People who participate in sports don’t often think of the sun’s effect on their skin.
John Rothmann: ObamaCare – The Courts and Judges
John Rothmann discusses subsidies given in the Affordable Care Act. Judges have ruled on ObamaCare in two separate conflicting opinions leading to the US Supreme Court.
Flick Nation: And So it Goes with Rob Reiner
Steve Wagner and Dennis Willis have an exclusive interview with Rob Reiner. “And So it Goes” is more mature but not so much comedy.
Barbara Simpson: Prisoner Exchange and Gitmo
Barbara Simpson says the investigation into Bowe Bergdahl hasn’t reached any conclusion. Simpson says Gitmo is a farce.
Elizabeth Kate: Pinot Blanc is Great
Wine expert Elizabeth Kate talks about the family of Pinot grapes. All are grape mutations of the Pinot.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Heat Extremes
Lloyd Lindsay Young says the highest temperature ever recorded in the world is in Death Valley. How hot is Phoenix and Saudi Arabia?
Ed & Rosie: Get “7” Hours of Sleep
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the CDC saying we need seven hours sleep. The also talk about the one-piece swim suit coming back.
John Rothmann: They are still saying “Kill the Jews”
John Rothman says the streets of Europe are filled with chants of “Jews, back to the ovens, Death to the Jews!” Rothmann says the hatred and violence is at levels never before matched.
Barbara Simpson: Illegal Aliens and Drivers’ Licenses
Barbara Simpson complains that many undocumented workers should have the same standards for obtaining drivers licenses. Simpson says many illegals can’t read road signs and tests.
Ed & Rosie: Is Tony Dungy Homophobic?
Tony Dungy says he wouldn’t draft Michael Sam who is a gay football player. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discusses Dungy saying he is a distraction.
Stan Burford: How the Rich Spend Their Money
Stan Burford talks Larry Ellison, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Marisa Mayer and other rich Silicon Valley men and women spend their money.
Ed Baxter Making Sense: Tony Dungy – Michael Sam
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of Tony Dungy saying he wouldn’t draft gay football player Michael Sam.
Bill Wattenburg: Rampant Auto Repair Fraud
How some auto repair shops rip you off. Bill Wattenburg says dealers bounce the cost of repair shops.
Ed & Rosie: Smiling Selfie at Auschwitz
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the teenager taking a smiling selfie at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: How Weather Affects Airlines
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses the problems of dangerous weather in which to fly. Airlines are taking unnecessary chances in flying in bad weather.
Ken Dito: The Oakland A’s Drop the Orioles
Ken Dito reports the Oakland A’s start the second half of the season in good shape.
John Rothmann: Texas Deploys the National Guard
Texas Governor Rick Perry has deployed the National Guard to the Texas/Mexico border. John Rothmann states this is a shot at President Barack Obama.
Ed & Rosie: Bring Back the Gossip File
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen gossip about Kanye and Kim, Jennifer Lopez, Tim McGraw, and Sean Penn and Charlize Theron.
Ken Dito: Lincecum’s No-No
Ken Dito recaps Tim Lincecum’s second no-hitter.
Flick Nation: Loves Boyhood
Dennis Willis and Steve Wagner analyze the production, thematic meaning and lasting effects of Richard Linklater’s masterpiece Boyhood.
Elizabeth Kate: Pairing Wines with Dessert
Elizabeth Kate says the secret to pairing wines and dessert is that the wine is sweeter than the dessert.
Ed & Rosie: Shorts
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen go through some of the day’s strange stories. Powdered caffeine, woman wears stolen dress on Facebook, withholding sex.
Ken Dito: Giants-Marlins Recap
Ken Dito recaps the Giants and Marlins series.
Ken Dito: Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Ken Dito talks about the origin of the singing of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” Harry Carey sings and so did Joe Starkey.
Stan Burford: All Our Little Gadgets
Stan Burford talks all the electronic gadgets he has accumulated. The fast evolution of our electronic and digital age.
John Rothmann: Radical Islam, Christians in Iraq
John Rothmann says hatred is sacred in the world of Islam. Rothmann says Christians in Iraq are being forced to convert to Islam.
Elizabeth Kate: Mexican Food and Wine Mix
Elizabeth Kate talks about matching good Mexican food and the right wine.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Chance of Rain All Wet
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses the problem of using probabilities in weather forecasting. He says they don’t mean very much.
John Rothmann: Aging California Politicians
John Rothmann analyzes the California political scene and the aging Governor, Senators and local politicians.
Ed Baxter: Pay Attention, Please
Ed Baxter asks whether technology is making us less able to focus on things all around us.
Stan Burford: Think Outside the Water Box
Stan Burford discusses water usage in California and has a new plan to help conserve water.
Barbara Simpson: Kill the Killers
Barbara Simpson quotes a judge who says the California death penalty is more like life in prison. Is there justice for the victim and the system?
Barbara Simpson: Journalists Won’t Say “Illegal”
Barbara Simpson asks why journalists don’t say “Illegal Aliens.” It’s not in the AP style book.
Ed & Rosie: Breastfeeding Selfie Bad Taste?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about whether a woman should post a picture of her breast feeding. Instagram took her account down.
Ken Dito & Joe Starkey: A’s and Raiders Move?
Ken Dito and Joe Starkey talk about Oakland’s handling of the A’s and Raiders. Will A’s and Raiders move?
Ed & Rosie: Jason Biggs Bad Tweet
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Jason Biggs bad taste tweet about Malyasian Airlines crash. Forgive Jason Biggs?
Ken Dito: Great Bay Area Announcers
Ken Dito says Bay Area sports fans are spoiled by great announcers. The Yankees’ announcer John Sterling, on the other hand, is terrible.
Ed Baxter: Bad Joke Tweets
Ed Baxter is trying to make sense for the Jason Biggs bad joke following the Malaysian Airlines crash. What are the good ways and bad ways of tweeting?
Elizabeth Kate: Sparkling Wine Celebration
Elizabeth Kate explains how the bubbles get into sparkling wine. She also discusses good and bad sparkling wines.
Joe Starkey: Soccer in America
Joe Starkey is a huge soccer fan but he says it has a long way to go to make it in America. The World Cup shows scoring is an issue.
Elizabeth Kate: Don’t Laugh at Rose’
Elizabeth Kate talks summer wines. She says don’t laugh at rose wines, they can be serious and dry.
Ed Baxter & John Rothmann: Israel Ready to Attack
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter talk about what can happen in the Middle East. Israel is getting ready for a potential attack.
John Rothmann: Malaysian Airlines Crash/AIDs
John Rothmann discusses the implications of the Malyasian Airlines crash. It has an affect on AIDs research.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Jet Stream and the Drought
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses the Jet Stream’s affect on the California drought. The Jet Stream affects the weather of the world.
BREAKING NEWS: Baxter & Rothmann: Malaysian Airliner Down
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter discuss the news of the Malaysian Airliner shot down over the Ukraine. John says it is the work of Russian militants.
Barbara Simpson: Real Border, Real Immigration
Barbara Simpson says the invasion of illegal aliens must stop. She says the battle along the border is lost.
John Rothmann: President Tackles Climate Change
John Rothmann says climate change is real and the President has called for action. President Obama to deal with climate change.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: State Fair Weather Mistake
Lloyd Lindsay Young says having the California State Fair in July is not a good idea. He says it is far too hot.
Barbara Simpson: Free Pot in Berkeley
Barbara Simpson says the idea of free pot in Berkeley is mind-blowing. She says the idea of free medical marijuana for the poor is a bad idea.