John Rothmann says it’s great to be back communicating his thoughts to people again on any everyday basis. He will have Around the World with John Rothmann.
Archives for July 2014
Ed & Rosie: Felon Gets Modeling Contract
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Jeremy Meeks getting a modeling contract. Social media has made a suspect criminal a star.
Ed & Rosie: Target Asks Customers Not to Bring Guns Into the Store
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Target asking customers not to bring guns into the store. Gun rights and customer rights are the argument.
Ed & Rosie: Guns Everywhere Law in Georgia
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen go over gun laws, specifically the Guns Everywhere Law in Georgia.
Ed & Rosie: US Supreme Court Rules on Union Membership
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the future of unions. The US Supreme Court has ruled people don’t have to be in unions.
Ed & Rosie: San Francisco Loses George Lucas and America’s Cup
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss San Francisco losing the Lucas Museum and America’s Cup. Has San Francisco lost its mojo?
Ed & Rosie: US Supreme Court Rules on Contraception
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the US Supreme Court ruling on private business mandate on providing contraception coverage. Rosie says women’s rights have been trounced.
John Rothmann: US Supreme Court Clarifies Position on Same Sex Marriage
John Rothmann says the US Supreme Court ruling Same Sex Marriage is a victory for Civil Rights. Society views on same-sex marriage have definitely changed.
Ed & Rosie: Gun Safety and Vibrators
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the campaign about gun safety advocate’s campaign to use vibrators. How do we promote gun safety?
Elizabeth Kate: Organic Funky Wines
Elizabeth Kate looks at organic wines. Biodynamic wines could be the future.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Hurricane Arthur is in the Atlantic Ocean
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about Hurricane Arthur in the Atlantic. It is the first tropical storm of the season.