Ken Dito talks about the 49ers poor performance against the Denver Broncos and the importance of pre-season games. Ken does not believe the NFL company line that pre-season games don’t count.
Archives for August 2014
Flick Nation: What Exactly is The Zero Theorem About?
Terry Gilliam’s latest film is a puzzler. Christoph Waltz searches for the meaning of life, Tom Hardy is Locke in a car, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 isn’t very amazing at all. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Elizabeth Kate: Pinot Noir The Grape and The Wine
Elizabeth Kate talks about Pinot Noir being the most popular red wine. Kate says it has been so since the movie Sideways. She says it goes well with salmon.
John Rothmann: Race, Michael Brown, Ferguson, MO and Beyond
John Rothmann discusses racial issues in the United States and the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. Race relations in the US are still not good.
Ken Dito: Young People and Sports Injuries
Ken Dito talks with Dr. Mark Savant, Associate Team Physician at USF. Why do so many young girls get concussions?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather is About Fronts
Cold fronts, warm fronts and stationery fronts. What causes weather systems and weather fronts? Lloyd Lindsay Young explains.
Barbara Simpson & Ed Baxter: Is Jerry Brown Losing It?
Barbara Simpson and Ed Baxter discuss California Governor Jerry Brown’s latest proposals. Simpson says Brown is showing us who he’s always been and Baxter says he thinks the Governor has changed.
Elizabeth Kate: Old World and New World Wine
Elizabeth Kate talks about the different between new world and old world wines. Burgundy, Bordeaux, Chianti wines are all broken down into locations.
Ed & Rosie: Rabbit and Shark Meat for Sale
Rosie Allen and Ed Baxter discuss Whole Foods selling rabbit meat. Also talk about feeding shark meat to homeless people.
Ken Dito: Teaching Kids to Pitch
Kids should be coached properly. It is all too often that Dads are coaching because they have to. Ed Ricks was a professional pitcher and currently coaches kids of all ages.
John Rothmann Defends Governor Jerry Brown from Ed Baxter
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter discuss whether Governor Jerry Brown has lost his way on issues of water and the Bullet Train.
Stan Burford: Changes in Credit Cards
Stan Burford talks about the history of credit cards and where we are going. Diners Club, Master Charge, Bank of America cards.
Ken Dito: Quentin Kopp – Warriors – Local Media – San Francisco
Quentin Kopp talks about the Warriors move to San Fancisco. Is AT&T park responsible for the change in South of Market and why doesn’t the local media cover some local sports?
Ed Baxter: Has Governor Jerry Brown Lost His Way?
Ed Baxter is asking whether Governor Jerry Brown has lost his way on the Peripheral Canal Water issues, and California Public Utilities Commission, and the Bullet Train are wrong.
Flick Nation: Free Movie Screening – The Trip to Italy
The Talk Pod and Flick Nation want to send you and a guest to the movies, to see the new IFC comedy THE TRIP TO ITALY with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. This is the hilarious sequel to THE TRIP, the movie that featured Coogan and Brydon’s dueling Michael Caine impersonations!
John Rothmann: Iraq Changes or Does It?
John Rothmann says Al-Maliki is out but the threat remains. Rothmann says the Islamic state is growing.
Ed & Rosie: Siri a Murder Accomplice?
Siri tells a man where to murder a victim. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talks about Siri having to change some policy on advice.
Ken Dito: New MLB Commissioner
Ken Dito thinks that new MLB Commissioner will be more of the same and it will be “This Buds For You, Part 2.”
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Why Doesn’t It Snow in SF?
Why does it snow in Washington DC and not in San Francisco when they are both at the same latitude?
John Rothmann: Barack and Hillary Hug Summit
John Rothmann says the media has blown up the rift between Clinton and Obama. Rothmann says there is history of candidates separating themselves from the incumbent.
Ed & Rosie: Mean Tweets at Zelda Williams
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the malicious tweets that have come to Robin Williams daughter. Zelda Williams has canceled her Twitter account.
Joe Starkey: New Block Home Plate Rule a Farce
Joe Starkey says the home plate block experiment rule is blowing the credibility of baseball. He says players don’t know what the rule is.
Ed Baxter: California Save Water Bond
The California Legislature has voted to put a water bond on the ballot. Ed Baxter says this seems like a good idea but the devil is in the details.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Why Doesn’t California Get Summer Rain?
Why does California lack rain in the summer months? Lloyd Lindsay Young explains west coast weather.
Ed & Rosie: Hillary and Barack at War?
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: friends or not? Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether Hillary Clinton should be fighting with the President.
Ken Dito: NFL, Johnny Manziel, Quarterbacks, Rookie QB’s
Johnny Manziel was the 22nd college player taken in the 2014 NFL draft. Some think he will be a bust. Ken Dito thinks otherwise.
Flick Nation: The Expendables Come Out Shooting!
The Expendables 3 brings together Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, and half of Hollywood – but is it any good? Plus, the latest documentary from director Alex Gibney. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Ed & Rosie: Boots Back in Iraq?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about troops back in Iraq. Is the US going back into Iraq or should we stay out?
Barbara Simpson & John Rothmann Agree on Radical Islam
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann talk about the dilemma of our security and and radical Islam.
Ken Dito: Tim Lincecum Must Perform
Ken Dito says that Tim Lincecum is hurting the Giants chances of winning when he is on the mound. He refuses to keep base runners close – unacceptable.
Stan Burford: Barbara and John Missed a BIG question on Immigration
Stan Burford disagrees with Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann on Immigration. He says there is NO one answer and we need to get to the cause.
John Rothmann: US Foreign Policy is Confused
John Rothmann says there are advisors with boots on the ground in Iraq. Nobody knows what the clear answer is of what to do next.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Polar Vortex Explained
What is the polar vortex and how does it affect our weather? Lloyd Lindsay Young explains.
Ken Dito & Joe Starkey: Baseball GM’s Greatness
Ken Dito and Joe Starkey talk about the relative ratings of baseball general managers. Billy Beane and Brian Sabean.
Barbara Simpson – John Rothmann: Gun Rights / Gun Control Debate
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann debate gun rights, Second Amendment, Jim Brady, gun licensing like an automobile.
Flick Nation: Fading Gigolo is More Than Humor
Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton are vampires, Woody Allen is John Turturro’s pimp, and the Toy Story gang is trapped in a creepy motel. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
John Rothmann: The President Wants A Democratic Senate
John Rothmann says the mid-term election will have impact on the Supreme Court and how the President can hope to be effective.
Malou Nubla: Meter Maids Get Tickets Too
Malou Nubla comes across a meter maid who actually got a ticket. Meter Maid parking justice.
Ed Baxter: Selfie on a Cliff / Hidden Gold
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of some strange stories. Selfie on a cliff, hidden World War II treasure found, woman hides tens of thousands of dollars in her bra and girdle.
Ken Dito: Golf Majors
Ken Dito wraps up all the Majors and looks to the Ryder’s Cup. Ken asks whether Tiger Woods will make the team.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Will Lloyd Like the Weather Channel?
Lloyd Lindsay Young reports on why he does not like the Weather Channel as much any more.
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Ed Baxter: Robin Williams Dead
Ed Baxter remembers Robin Williams.
Flick Nation: Robin Williams Dead at 63
Dennis Willis and Steven Kirk react to the shocking death of multi-talented Oscar-winner Robin Williams, why he was important to the Bay Area and why his apparent suicide should spark an honest conversation about depression.
Ed Baxter: Selfie Surgery…We’re Doomed
Ed Baxter discusses the trend of getting cosmetic surgery to look good in selfies. Camera angles in taking selfies is better than surgical photoshop.
Flick Nation: How to Fix the Spider-Man Movies
With The Amazing Spider-Man 2 now available on home media, Dennis Willis, Steven Kirk and Steve Wagner debate all the ways the powers-that-be at Sony can reverse the diminishing financial and creative direction of the franchise, if they really wanted to.
Ed & Rosie: More of Us Are Watching TV
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen share a survey about how much TV Americans are watching. There are more cable shows that are grabbing our attention. Almost five hours a day watching TV.
Ken Dito: Rise Rory…Fall Tiger
Ken Dito reports on the amazing play of Rory McIlroy and the apparent fall of Tiger Woods.
John Rothmann: Iraq Catch 22
As Iraq descends into chaos, the tragedy continues and grows. John Rothmann discusses the apparent no-win situation.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Weather Divide
Lloyd Lindsay Young reports on how the Continental Divide affects weather.
Ken Dito: Outside the Box with Dito
Ken Dito talks about what he hopes to do in The Talk Pod. He says this is an experience all of us have been waiting for.