John Rothmann talks about the latest tragedy in Jerusalem and the harsh rhetoric from Iran.
Archives for November 2014
Ken Dito: Harbaugh, Brooks and the DEA
Ken Dito talks about DEA agents showing up after the 49ers Giants game and about Ahmad Brooks taking himself out of the game.
John Rothmann: All Eyes On Ferguson
John Rothmann on how all eyes are on Ferguson, Missouri as the Grand Jury gets ready to make its report.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California Skiing
Lloyd Lindsay Young on skiing in California. Will the resorts open on time and what will the conditions be?
John Rothmann: GOP Furious Over Executive Order
John Rothmann discusses the President’s upcoming executive order and how the GOP is furious.
Mike Amatori: San Jose Airport Wheel Well Service?
Mike Amatori spoofs the stowaway that hopped an airliner to Hawaii.
Flick Nation: On Video: 22 Jump Street, Sin City and more Frozen!
Teen tears, sequels 22 Jump Street and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For and – gasp! – more Frozen. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Ed & Rosie: LA Schools Lawyer Blames the 14 Year Old Student
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the LA Schools attorney who got fired by saying a 14 year old student may have been partly at fault for having sex with a teacher.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California Precipitation
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about California precipitation and whether or not we will have “normal” levels or rainfall this year.
Ken Dito: 49ers Giants Recap
Ken Dito recaps the 49ers Giants game as the 49ers win on the road 16-10
John Rothmann: UC Accountability
John Rothmann on the increases in tuition at the University of California system.
Mike Amatori: Mother Goose Is Dead?
Mike Amatori spoofs Mother Goose with his take on what would happen if somebody published a book called “Mother Goose is Dead.”
Ed & Rosie: Death Row and Kosher?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether a man on death row should get his wish to be prepared kosher food.
John Rothmann: Another Beheading
Islamic State beheading of Peter Kassig and others must be stopped but how? John Rothmann hosts.
Ed & Rosie: Outlaw Cigarettes?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the try to ban cigarette sales in Westminster, Massachusetts.
Ken Dito: NY Jets Head Coach Rex Ryan Fined for Swearing
The NFL has fined NY Jets Head Coach Rex Ryan for swearing now that should solve the problems in the NFL. Ken Dito hosts.
Stan Burford: In The Air
Stan Burford muses about drones now used in growing grapes, Robert Bass puts his money in the sky and Air Bus says – enough is enough.
Ed & Rosie: They Like Big Butts
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Kim Kardasian posing literally butt naked and the trend toward women wanted to augment the appearance of their rear ends.
Flick Nation: Rosewater
Steve Wagner interviews Jon Stewart from the Daily Show and Maziar Bahari about “Rosewater”, Stewart’s directorial debut based on Iranian-Canadian journalist Bahari’s first-hand account of his own detention and interrogation by Iranian forces.
Ed & Rosie: He Hit Her Back
Ed & Rosie talk about a fight on board a New York subway train where a man fought back against a woman and spent several days in jail.
John Rothmann: Firestorm Brewing Between Obama and GOP
John Rothmann talks about how executive power on immigration is creating a firestorm between the President and Republicans. Is impeachment on the table?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Indoor Temperatures
Lloyd Lindsay Young gives his recommendations for indoor temperatures at home and at restaurants.
Ken Dito: 49ers or Bears?
Ken Dito compares the falling Chicago Bears to the rising San Francisco 49ers. Who is better off?
Mike Amatori: The MJ Afterlife Tour
Mike Amatori takes us through the magic of the new Michael Jackson album.
John Rothmann: GOP in 2016
John Rothmann talks about how the GOP race for president is about to get underway.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Location, Location, Location … and the Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young on how weather affects home prices.
John Rothmann: Out Of This World Comet
John Rothmann on the out of the world landing on a comet by the European space agency.
Ken Dito: Bay Area Sports Roundup
Ken Dito talks Bay Area sports including 49ers, Raiders, and Giants.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Hyping the Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young disagrees with how, several times a year, TV stations hype the weather for ratings.
John Rothmann: Climate Change Treaty
John Rothmann on how the climate change accord with China shows the increasing rift between President Obama and the GOP.
Elizabeth Kate: All About Wine Etiquette
Elizabeth Kate discusses the do’s and don’ts of wine etiquette.
John Rothmann: Ebola Fears Have Abated
John Rothmann on how the fear and hysteria over the Ebola outbreak appears to have abated somewhat.
Stan Burford: What is the Cloud?
Software and computer companies are all talking about “the Cloud” – What is the Cloud? Where is the Cloud? Is there more than one? How much does it cost? Stan Burford hosts.
Elizabeth Kate: Reviewing Ink In West Hollywood
Elizabeth Kate reviews the West Hollywood restaurant Ink.
Ken Dito: Harbaugh Thrown Under The Bus – Again
Ken Dito on the latest in the Jim Harbaugh – Jed York saga. It appears Harbaugh has been thrown under the bus again.
John Rothmann: Trouble with Russia and Putin
John Rothmann on how Vladimir Putin and Russia remain troubling in a troubled world.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Polar Vortex Returns
Lloyd Lindsay Young on the polar vortex being back in place. Does it mean this winter will be like last?
Flick Nation: Batman, Dragons and … Darth Doofenshmirtz?
POW! BAM! All 120 episodes of the 1960s Batman series hit Blu-ray, Toothless returns in a dark sequel, and Phineas and Ferb travel to a Galaxy far, far away. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
John Rothmann: Reagan Recordings Revealed
John Rothmann on the discovery of recordings made by President Reagan with world leaders.
Ken Dito: 49ers Get An Important Win
Ken Dito on the 49ers overtime win against the Saints. San Francisco needed an important win to keep the season alive and got it in New Orleans.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Ski Resorts Getting Nervous
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about conditions at California ski resorts, why they should be getting nervous, and that they don’t always reveal how bad things really are.
John Rothmann: US and Iran Deal?
The deadline for an agreement with Iran is fast approaching. Can a deal be reached? John Rothmann discusses.
John Rothmann: Obama and Congress Big Bang Theory
John Rothmann says the announced Republican agenda puts the Congress on a collision course with President Obama.
Ed & Rosie: Cyber Thanksgiving?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Thanksgiving being the largest cyber shopping day of the year … bigger than cyber Monday.
John Rothmann: Impeach Obama?
President Obama talks about executive action and the G.O.P. offers rumblings of impeachment. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Iran Destroy Israel?
Even as nuclear talks proceed, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calls for Israel’s annihilation.
John Rothmann: A New Attorney General?
John Rothmann talks about Loretta Lynch being nominated for Attorney General!
Ed & Rosie: Pedestrians and Motorcycles at Risk
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the need for reform of regulations regarding pedestrians and motorcycles in California.
John Rothmann: Obamacare at the Supreme Court – Again
John Rothmann says the fate of Obamacare hangs before the Supreme Court…again!
Stan Burford: Understanding the Game of Golf? Really?
Golf is a relatively simple game. Stan Burford says understanding some of it’s finer points – not so easy…