Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the new trend of mainly young people smoking e cigarettes and the fact that they may be worse for them than the real deal.
Archives for December 2014
Ken Dito: Raiders – What’s Next?
The Raiders need an overhaul after losing to the Rams 52-0. Ken Dito hosts.
John Rothmann: Israel’s Nukes and the UN
The U.N. hits Israel…again. John Rothmann hosts.
Ken Dito: Harbaugh, Baalke, York – The Story That Won’t Die
Ken Dito talks about the continuing controversy at the 49ers between Jed York, Trent Baalke, and Jim Harbaugh.
John Rothmann: The Racial Profiling Debate
John Rothmann discusses the racial profiling getting underway after the events in Ferguson, Missouri.
Flick Nation: Award Season Catch Up
Dennis Willis catches up on award season and talks about Reese Witherspoon’s new film, Wild.
John Rothmann: Detaining the Al-Baghdadi Family
John Rothmann asks if it is legitimate to detain the wife and son of ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Winter Terminology
Lloyd Lindsay Young explains winter weather terminology and the difference between a watch and a warning.
John Rothmann: The Race For 2016 Is On
John Rothmann talks politics as the race for the White House in 2016 gets underway.
Michael Cardoza: Ferguson Police Should Listen to Their Community
Michael Cardoza says the police in Ferguson seem to be tone deaf. Officer Wilson may have justifiably shot Michael Brown but that does not excuse how the police treat the Ferguson community.
Stan Burford: Dogs Need a Vacation Too
Stan Burford on boarding your dogs while on vacation.
Michael Cardoza: Misconduct By Prosecutors
Prosecutors who commit misconduct are rarely reported to the state bar and if they are they are rarely held accountable.
Ken Dito: Raiders Vs Rams Recap
Ken Dito discusses how the Raiders need a complete overhaul after their 52-0 loss against the Rams.
Michael Cardoza: Ferguson’s Wilson Resigns
Michael Cardoza says Officer Darren Wilson resigns without severance pay. He was making $45,000 a year. His resigning will have a chilling affect on police officers around the country.
John Rothmann: Facebook and Free Speech
John Rothmann discusses the Supreme Court taking on a case involving Facebook posts and free speech.
Flick Nation: Video Grab Bag
Dennis Willis talks about a mixed bag of sequels including Sylvester Stallone’s The Expendables 3.
John Rothmann: The Lessons of Defeat
After the Oakland Raiders 52-0 loss against the Rams, John Rothmann looks at losing in general, what it means, and the lessons one can take from defeat.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Percentage Of Rain
Lloyd Lindsay Young on what the term “percentage of rain” means and why he doesn’t like to use it.
John Rothmann: Turkey, Kurds, and ISIS
John Rothmann on the serious situation between Turkey, the Kurds, and ISIS.