In this episode of The Talk Pod, wine and spirits expert Elizabeth Kate tells listeners all about the “All-American Original Whiskey,” Bourbon.
Elizabeth Kate Says “Celebrate” with Sparkling Wine!
Time to celebrate–and nothing sets the mood better than a sparkling wine! In this episode, The Talk Pod’s Wine & Spirits expert, Elizabeth Kate, discusses different varieties of sparkling wine, including Champagne, Prosecco, Cava, Lambrusco, and others. Listen, learn, and enjoy!
Holiday Opportunities for Exploring Food & Wine Pairings
Elizabeth Kate explains how the versatile Chenin Blanc grape may be the perfect choice for so many of your holiday wine needs. While often overlooked in the United States, Chenin Blanc’s vast range—from dry to sweet—makes it an easy choice to compliment just about anything on your holiday table. So, go ahead and explore and enjoy, Chenin Blanc!
An Interview with “Displaced” Author George Kapus
This is publisher Eric Johnson’s interview with the author of the historical autobiography, “Displaced.” In this interview, Kapus shares how his family left Budapest during the waning years of WWII, as Stalin’s troops began their brutal occupation of the Hungarian homeland. Leaving everything behind, the Kapus family eventually arrived in Berkeley, California, to become proud American citizens. Kapus’ unique perspective on socialism is particularly relevant today.
Elizabeth Kate talks about Sweet Wines and Tawny Port
Elizabeth Kate talks about sweet wines and Tawny Port; perfect pairings with chocolate and desserts.
Sipping South of the Border
Elizabeth Kate shares with our listeners where and how to enjoy what Mexico (Baja California) has to offer to wine and adventure lovers.
Elizabeth Kate and “The Stars of Pinot”
Wine and spirits expert Elizabeth Kate introduces The Talk Pod listeners to the “Stars of Pinot.”
Ed & Rosie: Men and Women’s Reactions to Cheating
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about new research saying men and women react differently to marital infidelity.
Ed & Rosie: Texas Women’s Bathroom Prank
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree about a women’s bathroom prank at the Purple Cow in Texas. Rosie says it’s sexist, Ed thinks it’s just fun.
Dan Ashley: Is Dan Ashley a Tech Addict?
Dan Ashley says he has become very dependent on his new iPhone. Is this a real addiction?
Dan Ashley: The Interview Shows Sony Buckled?
Dan Ashley says Sony buckled under pressure to first pull The Interview and then released it to make bundles of money. Ashley says the publicity was a money move.
Stan Burford: Looking Back / Looking Ahead
A ‘general’ look back as we end 2014. A look more at Life than Time. Stan Burford hosts.
Ed & Rosie: Two 17 Year Old Twin Sisters at the Same Time?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about an 84 year old man who wants to have relations with two 17 year old twin sisters.
Ed & Rosie: E Cigs Cause Cancer?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the new trend of mainly young people smoking e cigarettes and the fact that they may be worse for them than the real deal.
Stan Burford: Dogs Need a Vacation Too
Stan Burford on boarding your dogs while on vacation.
John Rothmann: Facebook and Free Speech
John Rothmann discusses the Supreme Court taking on a case involving Facebook posts and free speech.
John Rothmann: The Lessons of Defeat
After the Oakland Raiders 52-0 loss against the Rams, John Rothmann looks at losing in general, what it means, and the lessons one can take from defeat.
Ed & Rosie: Dressing For the Duke and Duchess
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the dress code being set by England’s Royal Family when they visit. They want the media all gussied up.
Ed & Rosie: $150 Hotel Review?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a British hotel that is charging guests $150 for writing a bad review.
Ed & Rosie: Women Pay More for the Same Stuff?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the fact that over the year, women pay more for the same basic products that men buy.
Ed & Rosie: They Like Big Butts
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Kim Kardasian posing literally butt naked and the trend toward women wanted to augment the appearance of their rear ends.
Ed & Rosie: Cyber Thanksgiving?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Thanksgiving being the largest cyber shopping day of the year … bigger than cyber Monday.
Ed & Rosie: A Van Pool Van That’s Not
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about a program that lets five people lease an SUV in which to commute.
Ed & Rosie: Time Change Crazies
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree about whether we should stay on standard time or go to year round Daylight Savings Time.
Celeste Perry: Project Boom – Sexy is the New Scary
Celeste Perry on Halloween and how sexy is the new scary.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Why Do School Buses Lack Safety Belts?
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks why school buses don’t have safety belts and how we can improve safety for children.
Ed & Rosie: Is That Really Rene Zellwegger?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the cosmetic surgery work Renee Zellwegger has had. Did she intend to look like a different person?
Stan Burford: Is It News?
Stan Burford asks if the reporting of news is really “news” and does it really require our attention.
Celeste Perry: Project Boom…The Dentist
Celeste Perry takes us on a magical tour of what it’s like to find the perfect dentist. Are tiny hands the answer? And then a look at rings around the neck.
John Rothmann: Demise of the Bay Guardian
John Rothmann’s commentary on the end of the Bay Guardian newspaper. The demise is sad but the rise of new platforms like the Talk Pod are good news.
Ed & Rosie: Hazing – Important to Society?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a new case of hazing for a high school sports program. Hazing is part of a lot of organizations in our society. What should be done?
Ed Baxter: Jennifer Lawrence Accuses Picture Viewers of Being Sex Offenders
Ed Baxter says Jennifer Lawrence has spoken out on her hacked nude pictures. She says anybody who looks at them is a sex offender and that her boyfriend would have looked at porn if she hadn’t sent them.
Ed Baxter: Label Her An American
Ed Baxter talks about taking labels out of society. Raven Simone talks with Oprah Winfrey about not wanting to be labeled “gay” or “African American”. She says she wants to be known as an American.
Ed & Rosie: Caffeine Infused Pants to Cut Fat? Really?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about what the FDA has said about claims that Caffeine infused pants can cut cellulite. Should an award go back to the buyers?
Celeste Perry: Deep Fried Guns
Celeste Perry’s friend Steve moved to Texas. Celeste needs to know – why Texas?
Ed & Rosie: Do You Have a Back Up Husband?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the study done in England that says half of women have somebody they would go to if their husband doesn’t work out.
Dan Ashley: America, Berkeley and Free Speech
Dan Ashley remembers the beginnings of the free speech movement at UC Berkeley. Ashley ties that to our free society today and our right as Americans to speak your mind.
Ed Baxter: Feeling Nuts for Testicular Cancer Awareness
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of whether this is a very worthy challenge like the Ice Bucket, or a cheap sophomoric publicity stunt.
Ed & Rosie: Do You Have A Problem With the New Facebook Ads?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen take a different view on Facebook ads. Rosie says they are distracting and shouldn’t be there. Ed says it’s all part of the Facebook biz model.
John Rothmann: Do You Have a Back Up Plan For Your Spouse?
John Rothmann quotes a survey that says half of women have a back up plan for their husband.
Barbara Simpson: Who’s A Cowboy?
Barbara Simpson talks about ranching, an industry that’s part of America’s heritage, and asks why so many are trying to destroy it.
Stan Burford: Who Controls the World Wide Web?
Stan Burford asks if anybody controls the World Wide Web.
Stan Burford: What Age To Die – Another Thought
Stan Burford reacts to Ed and Rosie’s discussion on What Age To Die.
Stan Burford: Is it Common Core or New Math?
Stan Burford talks about how years ago it was called New Math. Today it’s called Common Core. What is it? And why are parents and teachers so upset?
Ed & Rosie: What Age to Die?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a man’s request not to live past 75 years. When do we outlive our desire to live and what should be done.
Ed & Rosie: Honey Boo Family Troubles…Oh No!!!
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about divorce in the Honey Boo Boo family. Reality television at its most unreal.
Ed & Rosie: Facebook for the Wealthy?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Netropolitan, an online Country Club. Like-minded individuals with more money than time.
Ed & Rosie: Virginity T-Shirt and a Chinese Price on Virginity
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a girl who wears a t-shirt that says she is a virgin to school. China judge awards a woman $5,000 for her loss of virginity.
Ed Baxter: Miss America Fun Again?
Ed Baxter says he thinks the Miss America pageant has become fun again. It is more than just bust lines and at measurements. Miss New York performed with a red plastic cup to Pharell Williams Happy.
Ed & Rosie: Should Parents Be Prosecuted?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether parents should be held responsible for the illegal acts of their young children.