Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a school that wouldn’t let a child put Chapstick on her lips.
Rosie Allen: Atlanta Hawks Owner Not Racist
Rosie Allen says bloggers are blowing up the story regarding the owner of the Atlanta Hawks. She says his emails were not racist.
Ed & Rosie: Legal Pot Causes Problems in the Workplace
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the laws regarding pot and catching up on the workplace. Federal and State pot laws are not the same.
Stan Burford: 2014 in the US a LOT better than 1910
Comparing 1910 vs. 2014, life in the US doesn’t seem as crazy as many think. Stan Burford says perspective is a good thing.
Barbara Simpson: Joan Rivers is Gone
Barbara Simpson reflects on Joan Rivers and her contributions to the world of comedy and add a summary of her life and bravery and notes that she will be missed.
Ed & Rosie: Legal Pot Bringing Less Tax in Colorado
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about pot smokers going back to the black market to not have to pay taxes.
John Rothmann: The Naked Truth
John Rothmann on how it is not just naked photos that appear out of the cloud that we should be thinking about! What ever we post takes on a life of its own, that may come back to haunt us.
Ed Baxter: Stolen Nude Photos of Celebrities
Ed Baxter says the FBI and Apple are trying to find out how the nude pictures got hacked. He also says private information can’t be guaranteed to be safe on those sharing sites.
Ed & Rosie: 48 to 60 Hour Work Weeks
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about a new poll says that we are working more and more. 48 to 60 hour work weeks are becoming the norm.
Ed & Rosie: We’re Binging on TV
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss all the new TV shows and that people are having to binge watch to catch up. Is this a good thing or not?
Ed & Rosie: Online Marketing Will Fine You for Bad Review
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Online Accessories threat to fine you for making a bad review. They say they will take you to collections.
Ed Baxter: Needing Burial Life Insurance?
Ed Baxter asks what Burial Life Insurance is? Is it life insurance or death insurance? What is auto insurance? Is health insurance actually sickness insurance?
Ed Baxter: Sophia Vergara Emmy Brouhaha
Ed Baxter discusses the social media buzz after Sophia Vergara got up on a pedestal and was turned around in a circle. The question was whether she was objectified.
Ed & Rosie: Too Early to School?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss pediatricians saying that school should start later for kids. They say kids are not getting enough sleep.
Ed Baxter: Airline Fight Over Knee Space; Howard Stern Ice Challenge
Ed Baxter details an altercation over the use of the Knee Defender. A man says he didn’t want his laptop crushed. Also, Howard Stern Ice Challenges Casey Kasem.
Ed Baxter: Biggest Traffic Idiot?
Ed Baxter asks who is the biggest idiot: the aggressive fast driver or the driver who drives 65 in the fast lane and won’t move over?
Stan Burford: Pay Now or Pay Later, You Still Pay!!!
Open Table just gets you a restaurant reservation. Now offering some competition are a group of “pre-paid” reservation services that guarantee you a seat and desired time but you pay in advance; it’s like buying a ticket to play.
Stan Burford: The World is Going To The Dogs
Stan Burford on new legislation that will allow dogs into patios and decks of restaurants in CA starting 1/1/15.
Ed & Rosie: Paparazzi Using Drones
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether the paparazzi should be using drones. Technology infringing on our privacy.
Ed & Rosie: Kids Cost A Lot
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss how much it costs these days to raise kids. Costs to raise kids are really going up.
Ed & Rosie: Parent/Kid Phone Lock
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talks about an app that helps a parent lock a kid’s phone if they won’t answer. Ignore no more. Plus, a woman jumps into a giraffe cage.
Ed & Rosie: Lottery Making People Vote
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about rewarding Los Angeles voters with a lottery potential of winning a prize.
Ed Baxter: Fighting Breast Cancer
Ed Baxter details the Friends of Faith Breast Cancer Challenge. Ed talks about Rosie Allen’s involvement and how you can walk and fight Breast Cancer.
Ed & Rosie: Rabbit and Shark Meat for Sale
Rosie Allen and Ed Baxter discuss Whole Foods selling rabbit meat. Also talk about feeding shark meat to homeless people.
Ed & Rosie: Siri a Murder Accomplice?
Siri tells a man where to murder a victim. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talks about Siri having to change some policy on advice.
Ed Baxter: Selfie on a Cliff / Hidden Gold
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of some strange stories. Selfie on a cliff, hidden World War II treasure found, woman hides tens of thousands of dollars in her bra and girdle.
Ed Baxter: Selfie Surgery…We’re Doomed
Ed Baxter discusses the trend of getting cosmetic surgery to look good in selfies. Camera angles in taking selfies is better than surgical photoshop.
Ed & Rosie: More of Us Are Watching TV
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen share a survey about how much TV Americans are watching. There are more cable shows that are grabbing our attention. Almost five hours a day watching TV.
Ed & Rosie: Facebook Takes Control of Your Mobile
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Facebook taking control of information in its new mobile app. Privacy and Facebook.
Lloyd Lindsay Young Says Helllllllllllo!
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about his career and why he is happy to be in The Talk Pod.
Ed & Rosie: Mom and Dad See You Movie Nude
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Dakota Johnson in Fifty Shades of Grey not wanting her parents Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith to see the movie. Toddler breaks White House Security, marry your brother, fake smile.
Stan Burford Asks Why Am I Here?
Stan Burford tries to explain why he is in The Talk Pod.
John Rothmann’s TheTalk Pod Greeting
John Rothmann shares his view of what he wants to do in The Talk Pod.
Ed & Rosie: Sex Ed or Porn?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Fremont’s plan to introduce a college textbook teaching sex education to ninth graders. Some of the material is said to be almost pornographic.
Ed Baxter: Hands Free Law Outdated
Ed Baxter contends that with some new technology it may be safer to put your hand on your mobile device than to go hands free.
John Rothmann: Chip Away at Roe v Wade
John Rothmann discusses a court decision regarding admitting privileges for abortions in Alabama.
Ed Baxter: Are Junk Home Loans Back?
Ed Baxter discusses new loans that are being written that go outside the bounds learned in the Great Recession. Impac Mortgage is offering loans that even many consumer advocates like and don’t consider junk loans.
Barbara Simpson: Rules for High School Students
Do schools actually teach anymore? Barbara Simpson goes through some rules all students should know before graduating high school.
Ed & Rosie: People Behaving Badly
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the man who urinated on the grave of Art Modell. Also the woman who claims she was molested when she fell asleep on an airplane.
Ed Baxter: The Talk Pod User Guide
Ed Baxter talks about The Talk Pod Mission and how to navigate the site. Welcome to The Talk Pod.
Stan Burford: Borders, Borders, and More Borders
Stan Burford in “Thinking Without Borders” talks about all the borders in which we live. Burford says we don’t have to think that way. Thinking outside the borders.
Ed Baxter: Bisexual Monogamy Anna Paquin
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of Larry King’s surprise at Anna Paquin saying she can be bisexual and monogamous.
Barbara Simpson: Would You Stand on a Flight?
Barbara Simpson talks about several airlines looking at taking out seats and have you fly standing.
Ed Baxter: Bieber and Bloom Push, Eat Big Hamburger
Ed Baxter details nonsense stories from Bieber and Bloom, lighting oneself on fire, man who puts his hand down sleeping woman panties on airplane, and Monster Hamburger plate.
Stan Burford: Three Day Work Week
Stan Burford “thinking without borders” looks at Carlos Slim”s idea of a three day work week of 11 hours a day. Netherlands has a 29 hour work week and could squeeze more people into the workforce.
Ed & Rosie: President’s Fist Bumps and Health
The President does fist bumps rather than shaking hands. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen look at health and handshaking.
John Rothmann: San Francisco’s Unique Housing Problem
John Rothmann discusses San Francisco’s dilemma of creating affordable housing and keeping the neighborhoods.
Ed & Rosie: Kid Poops on Newspaper in Plane
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the parents who let their toddler poop on a newspaper in a plane. Delta Airlines is trying to sort out the mess.
John Rothmann: Execution by Firing Squad
John Rothmann discusses a San Francisco judge who feels that firing squads are more humane than lethal injection.
Barbara Simpson: The Real West is Still Alive
Barbara Simpson says those people who discount the spirit of the West are tragically mistaken. The morals and values should be envied.