Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the 80 year-old man who shot and killed a burglar who was fleeing from his home. What are the rights of home owners?
John Rothmann: Fixing the Death Penalty
John Rothmann says three recent botched death penalty tries should renew the debate over the death penalty.
Ed & Rosie: Get “7” Hours of Sleep
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the CDC saying we need seven hours sleep. The also talk about the one-piece swim suit coming back.
Ed Baxter Making Sense: Tony Dungy – Michael Sam
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of Tony Dungy saying he wouldn’t draft gay football player Michael Sam.
Ed & Rosie: Smiling Selfie at Auschwitz
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the teenager taking a smiling selfie at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Ed & Rosie: Shorts
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen go through some of the day’s strange stories. Powdered caffeine, woman wears stolen dress on Facebook, withholding sex.
Ed Baxter: Pay Attention, Please
Ed Baxter asks whether technology is making us less able to focus on things all around us.
Barbara Simpson: Journalists Won’t Say “Illegal”
Barbara Simpson asks why journalists don’t say “Illegal Aliens.” It’s not in the AP style book.
Ed & Rosie: Breastfeeding Selfie Bad Taste?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about whether a woman should post a picture of her breast feeding. Instagram took her account down.
Ed & Rosie: Jason Biggs Bad Tweet
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Jason Biggs bad taste tweet about Malyasian Airlines crash. Forgive Jason Biggs?
Ed Baxter: Bad Joke Tweets
Ed Baxter is trying to make sense for the Jason Biggs bad joke following the Malaysian Airlines crash. What are the good ways and bad ways of tweeting?
Barbara Simpson: Real Border, Real Immigration
Barbara Simpson says the invasion of illegal aliens must stop. She says the battle along the border is lost.
Stan Burford: Treating People As Individuals
Stan Burford reveals a very personal story about how students score in tests. He says he wishes people would have treated his dyslexia differently.
Ed & Rosie: Washington State’s Penalties for Delivering Pot
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss pot laws catching up with society. Washington State doesn’t allow pot deliveries though even it is legal.
Ed Baxter: California Drought and Water Problems
Ed Baxter and Making Sense look at California’s drought and water problems. He says split California in two.
Ed & Rosie: Breaking Up California and Water-Related Issues
Californians are going to be voting on whether the golden state should be broken into six states. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about that and water problems of California.
Bill Wattenburg: Jail & Nursing Homes
Bill Wattenburg says a Talk Radio listener once made a very creative solution to jail overcrowding and nursing home care: Patients to jail, and criminals to nursing homes.
Ken Dito: All of the Donalds in the World
From Donald Sterling to Donald Trump to Donald Duck. Had enough of Donalds yet?
Ken Dito: Trying to Build Major League Stadiums and Arenas
Ken Dito talks to Quentin Kopp and how the San Francisco Forty Niners were lost Santa Clara. Kopp, in part, blames Gavin Newsom.
Ed & Rosie: The Yankee Fan Who Fell Asleep During the Game Sues
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the Yankee fan who fell asleep and became a focal point during the game. He has sued the Yankees for helping people make fun of him.
Ed & Rosie: Marriage at First Site TV Reality Show
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether getting married without ever meeting a person is a good idea. Technologically-arranged marriage.
Ed & Rosie: Sarah Palin Wants The View
Sarah Palin is auditioning in public for The View. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about whether she would make sense.
Ed & Rosie: Felon Gets Modeling Contract
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Jeremy Meeks getting a modeling contract. Social media has made a suspect criminal a star.
Ed & Rosie: Target Asks Customers Not to Bring Guns Into the Store
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Target asking customers not to bring guns into the store. Gun rights and customer rights are the argument.
Ed & Rosie: Guns Everywhere Law in Georgia
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen go over gun laws, specifically the Guns Everywhere Law in Georgia.
Ed & Rosie: Gun Safety and Vibrators
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the campaign about gun safety advocate’s campaign to use vibrators. How do we promote gun safety?
Ed & Rosie: US Supreme Court Okays Protests At Family Planning Clinics
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the Supreme Court decision to allow protestors to come face to face with people going into clinics that perform abortion. Planned Parenthood is at the face of this case.
Ed & Rosie: San Francisco Monkey Parking App
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree about selling parking spaces in San Francisco. The issue is an app called Monkey Parking.
Ed & Rosie: Is Matt Lauer Sexist?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen go over Matt Lauer’s Today Show comments with Mary Bara of GM. Rosie says he made some of the most sexist comments possible.
Ed & Rosie: Fighting Over Leg Room on Airliners
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about leg room on airlines and potential for fights on jets. There is a new device called a Knee Defender.
Ed & Rosie: No Sex World Cup Soccer
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the Mexican Soccer team’s decision not to have sex during the World Cup. Does sex get in the way of sports performance?
Ed & Rosie: Jonah Hill Makes Gay Slur
Ed Baxter Rosie Allen discuss homophobic comments made by Jonah Hill. TMZ photographer dogs Jonah Hill all day and gets called names.