Barbara Simpson on how cuts to the food stamp program are causing a huge financial hit to merchants and are threatening the poor.
Ed & Rosie: Nazis Getting Social Security
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the revelation that the US has been paying Nazis to live abroad and not in the United States.
John Rothmann: Frank Mankiewicz Dies at 90
John Rothmann reflects on the passing of former Robert F. Kennedy press secretary in 1968 and president of NPR, Frank Mankiewicz. Mankiewicz died at age 90 and left his mark on America.
John Rothmann: More Middle East Headlines
John Rothmann on how the numerous headlines from the Middle East reflect the tragedy that is happening in the region.
John Rothmann: Secession Is Not An Option
John Rothmann believes a proposal by southern states to secede from the union and call themselves “Reagan” is utter lunacy.
John Rothmann: Terror in Ottawa
John Rothmann says what happened in Ottawa demonstrates the danger of radical Islam.
John Rothmann: Reagan’s Astrologer Dies
John Rothmann on the passing of astrologer Joan Quigley and how President Reagan never made a move without her advice.
Ed & Rosie: Freezing Employee’s Eggs in Silicon Valley
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about several Silicon Valley firms offer to freeze eggs. Is it a perk or a plan to make women work later into their lives?
John Rothmann: Say No to the Sidetalk Toll
John Rothmann disagrees with the idea of a sidewalk toll for the Golden Gate Bridge. Walking across the famous span should remain free.
John Rothmann: The Passing Of Ben Bradlee
John Rothmann reflects on the passing of Ben Bradlee and how if there’s a story to be covered in heaven, Bradlee would cover it brilliantly.
Barbara Simpson: Could Ebola Affect the Cost of Chocolate?
Barbara Simpson talks about the problems associated with Ebola and one not previously considered: the effect on chocolate and cocoa prices and supplies.
John Rothmann: Ebola and Hysteria
Amidst all of the hysteria, there needs to be ultimate accountability about what is being said about Ebola. John Rothmann comments.
Ed & Rosie: The Fed Chair Talks Rich Getting Richer
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen saying the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Does that mean the middle class is disappearing?
John Rothmann: Saving Kobani
John Rothmann asks whether the U.S. drop of small arms, food, and supplies is enough to save Kobani from Islamic State.
John Rothmann: Temple Mount – Sacred to Three Faiths, Middle of Conflict
Conflict over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem grows after Abbas statement saying Jews have “no right to go there.”
John Rothmann: Natural Grass Vs. Artificial Turf
John Rothmann discusses the benefits of natural grass playing fields over artificial turf.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Newspapers – End of an Era
Lloyd Lindsay Young on how newspapers are rapidly fading away as people turn towards electronic media.
John Rothmann: How Much Should We Fear the Political Process Around Ebola?
John Rothmann says the only thing we have to fear is Ebola itself.
Ed & Rosie: Is the President’s Choice For Ebola Czar a Good One?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the fact that the Ebola Czar is not a doctor. The President’s detractors are on full attack.
John Rothmann: Texas Voter ID Decision
John Rothmann says the Supreme Court decision on the Texas voter ID law is an affront to democracy.
Barbara Simpson: Taking Ebola Seriously Now?
Americans have gotten complacent about contagious diseases because of all the vaccinations we have – -so we (including the medical establishment) don’t take Ebola seriously. Barbara Simpson hosts.
John Rothmann: The Importance of Amriyat al Fallujah
John Rothmann talks about how the town of Amriyat al Fallujah is the gateway to Baghdad. If it falls, Islamic State will score an important victory.
John Rothmann: President Obama’s Credibility
John Rothmann talks about how in the face of the Ebola crisis, Obama appears indecisive and that is not effective presidential leadership.
John Rothmann: Obama Ebola Bashing?
Bashing Obama on Ebola is irresponsible. John Rothmann comments.
John Rothmann: Iran Blames US For ISIS
John Rothmann on how the Grand Ayatollah of Iran says the U.S., Zionists, and Great Britain are responsible for the crisis with Islamic State.
John Rothmann: Turkey Bombs the Kurds
John Rothmann on how Turkey is bombing Kurds in Turkey instead of Islamic State In Syria.
John Rothmann: Obama Meets Defense Chiefs
John Rothmann talks about October 14 being an important day as defense chiefs from more than 20 nations meet with President Obama to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.
John Rothmann: The Oceans Are Rising
John Rothmann on how the oceans are rising and we need to start preparing for what lies ahead.
Barbara Simpson: Road Rage and How We React
Barbara Simpson recounts a couple of road rage incidents, talks about her reactions then recounts one last week, an encounter with a cussing Vet!
Ed & Rosie: Taking Pictures of Underwear in Public?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a judges ruling that says it is okay to shoot other people’s underwear if its showing in public.
John Rothmann: Middle East Headlines are Confusing
John Rothmann says the headlines from Iraq and Syria reflect confusion about what is happening.
Ed & Rosie: A Three Day Work Week?
One of the world’s richest men says the US should be heading toward a three day work week. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen ask whether it would work.
Ed & Rosie: The Airlines May Be Reading Your Texts
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the woman who was kicked off her plane because she sent a negative text about service. Was the airline intercepting her messages?
John Rothmann: Who Lost Iraq?
John Rothmann asks who lost Iraq and what’s next for the Middle East?
Ed & Rosie: Women Shouldn’t Ask for Raises? Really?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the head of Microsoft saying women should not ask for raises, but instead should stay back and wait.
Ed & Rosie: Airlines Serious About Ebola
Men in Hazmat suits greeted a US Airways flight carrying a man who yelled he had Ebola. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen say there are no jokes when it comes to Ebola.
Barbara Simpson: Objections to the Plastic Bag Ban
Barbara Simpson criticizes the Plastic Bag Ban, gives examples, tells how retailers win the jackpot on this and a couple of snarky ways to protest – – plus supporting an initiative!
John Rothmann: Baghdad Falling?
John Rothmann says Baghdad is now threatened by Islamic State forces. This is a major problem for President Obama.
Ed & Rosie: Jennifer Lawrence Says You May Be a Sex Offender
Jennifer Lawrence says that anybody who looks at her hacked naked photos is a sex offender. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree with each other very strongly.
Barbara Simpson: Fleet Week Shipboard Memories
Barbara Simpson on her experience landing on an aircraft carrier, reflecting on the youth and skill of the crews and the demands we put on these volunteers.
John Rothmann: Fear of Ebola
John Rothmann says as dangerous as Ebola is, the fear of Ebola is also a danger.
John Rothmann: Kobani Appears Lost
John Rothmann talks about how the White House, the Pentagon and observers believe the battle for Kobani is lost.
Dan Ashley: ISIS Or ISIL: What’s In A Name?
Dan Ashley asks what is the difference between ISIS, ISIL, and Islamic State?
Ed & Rosie: Scared About Ebola?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen report on the new plan to take the body temperature of people coming back from West Africa. Is confidence in the government fading regarding our safety and Ebola?
John Rothmann: The PUC’s Michael Peevey
John Rothmann believes that with the ongoing scandal in the California PUC, it’s time for Governor Brown to replace Michael Peevey.
John Rothmann: Kobani’s Future Is Confused
John Rothmann talks about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and how the battle for Kobani is critical.
John Rothmann: Criticism Mounts Against the President
John Rothmann looks at how opposition and criticism against President Obama are on the rise, including from the Democratic Party.
John Rothmann: PG&E and the PUC
John Rothmann looks at how there is now a federal investigation of P.G.& E. and the P.U.C. and says it is about time.
John Rothmann: What If Kobani Falls to Islamic State?
John Rothmann asks what would happen if Kobani falls to Islamic State? How will President Obama respond?
John Rothmann: Senator Cruz Blasts SCOTUS
John Rothmann on how Senator Ted Cruz has blasted the Supreme Court on same sex marriage and is building his base for 2016.