John Rothmann on how Vice President Joe Biden’s comments about support for Islamic extremists and their funding were spot on.
John Rothmann: Same Sex Marriage Can Proceed
John Rothmann on how the Supreme Court’s has declined to hear same sex marriage cases from around the country. This means gay marriage can move forward.
Dan Ashley: Cancer Drug Costs
Dan Ashley on the increasing cost of cancer care and medication.
John Rothmann: First Monday In October
John Rothmann says it is the first Monday in October and the Supreme Court opens a new term. A lot is riding on the mid term elections as to the future direction of the Court.
John Rothmann: Boots on the Ground in Syria
Senator Graham is right about boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. John Rothmann says it’s the only way to fight radical Islam.
Ed & Rosie: The Birds and the Bridges
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the cost and slowdown of removing the old Bay Bridge in San Francisco. Are the birds worth it?
Dan Ashley: Kid Prank Is Way Too Much
Dan Ashley talks about covering news and some good, and some very bad. He says his reporting of teenagers beating to death 900 chickens is really sickening.
John Rothmann: Blaming Obama For Ebola
John Rothmann on how President Obama’s critics will blame him for everything including the Ebola outbreak.
John Rothmann: Turkey Joins The Battle
John Rothmann talks about how Turkey is joining the battle against Islamic State forces.
John Rothmann: An Unease In The Land
John Rothmann says there is an unease abroad in the land. Is there any good news? The Giants won!!!
Dan Ashley and Hateful Tweets
ABC 7 anchor Dan Ashley talks about some tweets he got after the police officer shooting in Ferguson. Dan says he thinks there is no place for these mean-spirited messages.
Ed & Rosie: US Ebola Threat
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the Ebola case in Dallas. Did the ER mess up and are we in danger?
John Rothmann: Iraqi Forces Fail Again
John Rothmann talks about how Iraqi forces intended to drop food and ammunition to their own army. Instead they dropped them to Islamic State forces.
John Rothmann: Breach At The White House
John Rothmann on how the breach at the White House has far-reaching implications.
Barbara Simpson: Our So-Called Security
Lax security in our country at this time of great threat: At the White House, the guy got in; at airports; at the border, illegal middle easterners do get in; a beheading in Oklahoma. What are we doing about it and why the soft reaction or no reaction from the President?
Stan Burford: Interpreting Climate Change
It’s not always the story as much as it is who tells you the story. Stan Buford looks into the different reporting on Climate Change.
Stan Burford: The Crisis with ISIS
Stan Burford gives an updated look at ISIS and the reason behind their existence.
Ed & Rosie: New Guidelines Regarding Teens and Pregnancy
Ed Baxter and Rose Allen talk about the new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. It says sexually active teen-age girls should use IUD’s or hormone birth control.
Ed & Rosie: Governor Signs College Sexual Assault Bill
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about what the so called “Yes, Yes” bill signed by the governor will do.
John Rothmann: Legendary Journalist Ben Bradlee In Hospice Care
John Rothmann reflects on legendary journalist Ben Bradlee.
John Rothmann: President Obama Must Lead
John Rothmann believes President Obama’s statement on “Sixty Minutes” was hardly a display of leadership.
John Rothmann: Caltrans and the Steel Rods
John Rothmann looks at Caltrans and the mess that is the Bay Bridge project.
John Rothmann: The President and Boots on the Ground
Whatever success the United States may have with bombing, it seems inevitable that boots will have to be on the ground. John Rothmann discusses the President’s stand.
Ed Baxter: We Are Confused Americans
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of a new poll that shows three quarters of us are confused about the important issues. The AP GfK poll says those who know more are more confused.
John Rothmann: The Civil War Is Far From Over
John Rothmann on a new law in California that will ban state agencies from displaying of selling the Stars and Bars. The implications of the Civil War are far from over.
John Rothmann: Eric Holder Exits
John Rothmann talks about Eric Holder who is leaving after almost six years as Attorney General … and speculation on who might replace includes California Attorney General Kamala Harris.
John Rothmann: Iran – A Problematic Compromise
John Rothmann on how Iran remains a problem even as we discuss a nuclear compromise.
John Rothmann: Three Issues On Water
John Rothmann reflects on the line from a poem “Water, water everywhere” and how it is also a real issue for us to consider. Drought, corrosion affecting the Bay Bridge and rising tides are just a few water issues that will be with us for a long time.
John Rothmann: The War In The Middle East Continues To Escalate
John Rothmann on the rising tensions in the Middle East.
Ed & Rosie: A Call For Advertisers to Pull Their NFL Ads
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the call for sponsors to pull their ads from NFL games. Meanwhile viewing remains high.
Barbara Simpson: Obama’s Lack of Decorum to the Military
Obama salutes Marines with coffee cup; White house refuses invitation for Obama to attend the dedication (on Oct. 5) of a new DC Mall Memorial to disabled vets; these plus other examples of the President’s and Michelle’s flouting of proper decorum as the first couple.
Barbara Simpson suggest if she hates living in the White House so much, she should get out. The Military is not happy with her husband either.
Ed & Rosie: Radar Guns Catch Texting
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the new product that can detect when a person is texting while driving. Can the CHP and Police use this to catch texting drivers?
Stan Burford: US Lesson From Scotland?
Scotland has voted — to stay in the UK. Stan Burford says the United States should take notice of all the voters going to the polls.
Ed Baxter: Emma Watson and He For She
Ed Baxter details Emma Watson’s address before the United Nations on feminism. Also the threat against her to expose nude photos.
John Rothmann: President Obama at the UN
John Rothmann says President Obama sounded the call at the U.N. Will the world follow?
Barbara Simpson: Is It War Yet?
Barbara Simpson asks if we are at war now that the bombing started and what happens if our guys get shot down?
John Rothmann: Airstrikes Begin In Syria
John Rothmann talks about how President Obama will speak to the nation today and the world tomorrow. We are in a war and what he says will be critical to our efforts.
John Rothmann: Richard Nixon’s Advice Applies Even Today
John Rothmann talks about how as the battle for control of the Senate is tightening, Richard Nixon’s advise is more timely than ever!
Barbara Simpson: Censorship of the U.S. Flag: Equality Is Not Equal
Barbara Simpson on the censorship of American flags on school campuses if Latinos object. It’s a case of equality but some are more equal than others.
John Rothmann: The Humanitarian Crisis In The Middle East Grows Worse
John Rothmann talks about the Kurds fleeing Islamic State forces are fleeing into Syria. This is more than a humanitarian crisis, it is a growing political crisis.
John Rothmann: Who is in the Coalition to Fight Radical Islam?
John Rothmann says there seems to be a reluctance to name names as to who is in the coalition to fight radical Islam. Rand Paul is right, why not Israel?
John Rothmann: Goodell Must Go From the NFL
John Rothmann says for the sake of the NFL and its future, Goodell must go!
Barbara Simpson: The Cowboy Express Rides Again
Barbara Simpson talks about the battle between ranchers and the Federal Government. The Cowboy Express rides again!
John Rothmann: Time for a Change at PUC
John Rothmann says it is time for Governor Jerry Brown to act on the P.U.C. and PG&E.
John Rothmann: Another Credit Card Hack and Our Vulnerability
John Rothmann discusses how Home Depot has been hacked and our vulnerability is revealed again.
John Rothmann: Democracy Works in Scotland
The election is over, the result is known and democracy is the winner. Scotland votes and the world learns a lesson in democracy.
Ed & Rosie: Pot in Moderation is Safe?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss “stoner stereotypes.” New Colorado ads say pot is safe if used in moderation.
Ed Baxter: Will Australia Wake Up the World on Radical Islam?
Ed Baxter wonders if the world will finally wake up about Radical Islam after the threats of public random beheadings in Australia.
John Rothmann: Did Syrian Radicals Give Bad Measles Vaccinations?
Children are dead and the Syrian opposition has been dealt a blow to its already questionable credibility.
Ed & Rosie: Sharon Osbourne Rips U2
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Sharon Osbourne saying that U2 and Bono are megalomaniacs and money grabbers. She does not like the free album download from Apple.