John Rothmann talks about how the House has voted, but are there moderate Syrian forces? Boots on the ground in Syria remain a question mark.
Ed & Rosie: Did CBS Blow the Rihanna Deal?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss CBS’ pulling the Rihanna song from their opening on Thursday Night Football. She was the victim of spousal abuse.
Ed Baxter: Nice Divorce, Nice Tweets, and It’s Not One World
Ed Baxter shares stories on Jewel’s constructive divorce, $5000 paid for virginity in China, woman arrested for driving in Saudi Arabia, and Lady Gaga’s positive tweets.
Barbara Simpson: No, It’s War
Barbara Simpson talks about how the President says no boots on the ground. He wants aerial and advisors. Secretary Kerry is trying to get allies to sign on but many don’t trust the president.
John Rothmann: For Every Action, There Is A Reaction
John Rothmann on how Russia is threatening to send troops into Crimea and the White House and General Dempsey are at odds about the question of U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria. The U.S. must speak with one voice on foreign policy.
Barbara Simpson: The Third Decapitation, Religion and Our Risk
Barbara Simpson discusses how the first victim was Catholic, second Jewish, third – – well, his brother said they are athiests but he defended the ‘religion of peace.’ What does it all mean for us and what about the next victim?
John Rothmann: PG&E and the PUC: Too Little, Too Late
John Rothmann talks about how the P.U.C. needs to be reformed along with the leadership of P.G.& E.
John Rothmann: Middle East Headlines Are Dire
John Rothmann details the latest developments regarding the Middle East and that we have a major problem.
Ed & Rosie: Armed Teachers?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the plan in Missouri to have teachers carry guns in the classroom.
Ed Baxter: Won’t Stop Talking About Domestic Violence
Ed Baxter responds to an email from a man who wants him to stop talking about domestic violence. 1 in 3 women in the U.S. is a victim. Baxter says the NFL needs to change as does society as a whole.
John Rothmann: Third ISIS Beheading
John Rothmann says the beheading of a British citizen is an act of pure evil.
Ed & Rosie: Police Officer Cuts Dog’s Throat
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a police officer’s decision to cut the throat of a dog that had attacked a woman. Could there have been a better way?
Ed Baxter: Are We at War with ISIS?
Ed Baxter points out there is a difference of opinion within the Obama administration about whether we are at war with ISIS.
Ed & Rosie: Smelly Cabbie Tests?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about San Diego telling cab drivers they can’t have body odor.
Ed & Rosie: Deadly Lyrics Off Facebook
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the man who was arrested for posting song lyrics about dead bodies lying around a campus on Facebook.
John Rothmann: Is the Death Penalty a Deterrent?
The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and has not been a deterrent. The latest poll shows a drop in support for the death penalty.
Ed Baxter: Compare Bush to Hitler?
Ed Baxter reports on homework assignment that had middle schoolers comparing George W. Bush and Adolph Hitler.
Ed & Rosie: Baby Boomer Student Loan Debt
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss how many baby boomers are still carrying student loan debt. There is a story of an 81 year-old with student loan.
John Rothmann: An Uneasy Feeling This September 11th
John Rothmann talks about how President Obama never used the term “war,” but that is what we are waging. Following the speech, we are left with many unanswered questions.
Baxter: 9/11 Needs to be Remembered
Ed Baxter says we can’t forget what happened on 9/11. He and his wife visited Ground Zero and he says there are messages we have to remember.
John Rothmann: Before The President’s Speech
John Rothmann comments that on the day before President Obama’s speech, the G.O.P passed a resolution in the House condemning President Obama. This does not portend well for bipartisan support in advance of the speech tonight.
Barbara Simpson: Wilders on Dutch Terrorism
Barbara Simpson on outspoken Dutch politician Geert Wilders who wants all militant Islamists in his country to leave and he’ll escort them out. She relates that to our country where we have had so many threats against us and NO one, from Obama on down, has a plan to deal with it.
John Rothmann: Anticipating the President’s Speech
John Rothmann on how President Obama has a lot on the line as he prepares to give his speech on Islamic State.
John Rothmann: Mayor Quan Makes A Bad Decision
Mayor Jean Quan has decided to just say No to Urban Shield meeting in Oakland. The decision not to have Urban Shield in Oakland is a political decision in advance of election day. It is not good for Oakland.
Ed Baxter: President’s Immigration Delay Makes Sense?
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of the President’s delay on immigration reform. He says it seems to make Latinos angry, fuel Republicans, and make Democrats hide.
John Rothmann: The President Speaks on ISIS
John Rothmann on how the President Obama will speak to the nation and the world on Wednesday night about Islamic State and the whole world will be watching and listening as he outlines his strategy to deal with the Islamic State.
Ed & Rosie: Warrants for Police Drones
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about new legislation that will require law enforcement to get a warrant before using drones.
Stan Burford: What is ISIS and Why Are We Involved?
Stan Burford asks, What is ISIS and who is going to address the problem? Is it ‘just’ the US or will others help?
John Rothmann: White House Immigration Announcement
John Rothmann says an early Saturday morning announcement on a hot political issue is no surprise. The White House has announced that securing our borders in the face of mounting issues will be delayed until after the November elections.
Ed & Rosie: New Cancer Drug
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about a new cancer drug and its cost. It is to treat melanoma.
Ed & Rosie: Navy Seal T Shirt in 9/11 Memorial
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the Navy Seal T shirt to be put in the 9/11 Memorial Museum.
John Rothmann: Coalition Against the Islamic State
John Rothmann talks about how the United States says that there is a core coalition forming to defeat Islamic State. Who will be a part of that coalition and what will come next has yet to be defined.
Ed Baxter: Hacked Celebrity Nude Art Exhibit
Ed Baxter discusses whether it makes sense to put up the hacked nude celebrity nude photos in an art exhibit. He says it is to make a privacy point.
John Rothmann: Russia is the problem… but is there a solution?
John Rothmann on how President Obama says that the crisis over Ukraine is a moment of testing.
Barbara Simpson: Obama Lies and We’re in Danger
Barbara Simpson talks about how Obama thinks we can’t see what he’s doing by his doing nothing and lying about the real threat from militant Islam.
John Rothmann: Senator Feinstein Agrees The Islamic State Is Evil
In John Rothmann’s book, Icon of Evil, published in 2008, he called radical Islam evil. Senator Feinstein agrees.
John Rothmann: Fining PG&E Is Not Enough
John Rothmann on how it will take more than glossy pamphlets and full page ads in the newspaper to correct the damage done by PG&E. Fines and penalties must be matched by repairs to the entire system.
John Rothmann: The March Of Radical Islam Must Be Stopped Now
John Rothmann talks about how President Obama has declared that the death of Steven Sotloff has strengthened his resolve to “degrade and destroy” Islamic State.
Ed Baxter: ISIS Beheading
Ed Baxter quotes Dianne Feinstein in saying President Barack Obama is “too cautious.” Is it time to send in Marines?
John Rothmann: The Role of NATO
John Rothmann on how President Obama is on his way to the NATO summit. The NATO strategy seems to be key to how President Obama plans to respond to the current world situation.
Barbara Simpson: Have we forgotten 9/11 and what has and is happening?
Barbara Simpson looks at what’s happened since 9/11 – – where we are now and that we must not forget – – and spreads the invitation for everyone to attend the City of Danville memorial on 9/11 at Oak Hill Park at 5:50 p.m.
Ed & Rosie: The California Legislature and Controlling Rape
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether the new Yes, Yes consensual sex legislation is an answer to rape on college campuses.
John Rothmann: Beethoven and the Threat of Radical Islam
John Rothmann says, believe it or not, Beethoven captured the threat of radical Islam in his music. The rising crescendo coming from radical Islam is a genuine threat.
John Rothmann: Putin’s Solution is No Solution
From Tsar to Commissar to Putin, the goal is to create a new Russian empire. Making Ukraine a “state” simply is an attempt to recreate the U.S.S.R.
John Rothmann: Cyber Warfare a Real Threat
John Rothmann says hacking and hackers represent a major threat to our national security. Russia, China and Iran are all sources of major hacking attacks on the U.S.
Ed Baxter: Some Very Strange Ironic Stories
Broken News is a collection of stories like a Maserati painted like a police car, pretending you dog is a cat, how much are we working, binge TV watching, our bacteria follows us. Ed Baxter hosts.
The Rosie Picture: Uzi Girl
Rosie Allen talks about the case of a gun instructor killed by a 9 year-old girl.
John Rothmann: Obama and the Challenge of Presidential Leadership
John Rothmann talks about how President Obama faces two very tough situations in dealing with Islamic State and Ukraine.
Ed Baxter: Miley Cyrus Was Right?
Ed Baxter says he has changed his mind about Miley Cyrus taken the homeless man to the MTV music awards. She was trying to help runaway children.
Ed & Rosie: Kid Kicked Out of Pre-School
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a four year-old kicked out of pre-school because of her mother’s Facebook post.