Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree about whether putting pot in coffee is a bad thing. It’s legal in Washington State.
Barbara Simpson: Pork, Poison, Rats and Skin Color
Barbara Simpson talks about how we are inundated with news and often things slip by. Four items that might not make headlines yet demand some kind of response.
John Rothmann: Cause of Conflict in the Middle East
There are four key causes of conflict in the Middle East which must be understood. John Rothmann says the determination to destroy Israel is the real problem.
Barbara Simpson: Heads Off, It’s War
Barbara Simpson says decapitation video is censored just as the 9/11 footage was/is censored – – because ‘we can’t handle it’ or because we need not know WHO is responsible. There is fear we might be judgmental – – but the enemy wants us destroyed and unless we ID the enemy, we will lose – – everything. They are at war with us. We’d better admit it.
John Rothmann: Burger King to Canada?
John Rothmann says Burger King will save a fortune in corporate taxes if they move to Canada.
John Rothmann: Ronn Owens – A Profile in Courage
Ronn Owens was diagnosed with Parkinson’s many years ago. He has continued to be an outstanding broadcaster and has proven to be a true profile in courage. John Rothmann hosts.
Barbara Simpson: CA Taxpayers Pay for Lawyers for Kid Illegals
Barbara Simpson talks about how Jerry Brown and legislators think it’s good for taxpayers to give $3 million to non-profits to handle legal issues for illegal kids. It’ll be voted on this month and only requires a majority vote to pass.
John Rothmann: Earthquake Preparation Now
John Rothmann asks whether we are ready for the next earthquake. We live in earthquake country and the big one is coming. Now is the time to prepare.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Earthquake Media Reaction
Lloyd Lindsay Young on local media coverage of the Napa earthquake.
Ed Baxter: Quake Magnitude Perspective
Ed Baxter details the difference in strength between the Napa Quake and the Quake of 1989. A 7.0 quake is 10 times stronger than a 6.0.
John Rothmann: United Against the Islamic State
John Rothmann on Britain, the United States and Israel determined to stop the Islamic State.
Stan Burford: The South Napa Quake
Stan Burford’s reaction to the 6.1 earthquake.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The South Napa Quake
Lloyd Lindsay Young’s reaction to the 6.1 earthquake.
Bill Wattenburg: Bay Bridge Bolt Fix Part 3
Bill Wattenburg proposes a fix for supporting the new Bay Bridge. He says build a concrete block using one of the ships from the Mothball fleet. Part 3 of his series.
John Rothmann: Hitting The Islamic State In Syria
John Rothman talks about how we need to hit the Islamic State with the support of the world. Acting alone is not enough.
Bill Wattenburg: Test the Bay Bridge Bolts Part 2
Bill Wattenburg says the Bay Bridge Bolts must be tested to their full load or there will be a big problem. This is Part 2 of his series.
John Rothmann: Health Care and Contraception
The Obama Administration has proposed new guidelines for birth control coverage. John Rothmann feels if you need medical assistance, your health coverage should cover whatever you need.
Barbara Simpson: Terrorism on the March
Barbara Simpson analyzes the spread of militant Islam into the West, converting white-skinned, blue-eyed people while the U.S. just ‘ends’ wars and virtually ignores the dangers out there, especially as a General is gunned down and a journalist beheaded.
John Rothmann: Rockets Are Flying Again In The Middle East
John Rothman talks about how Hamas admits that it kidnapped and killed the three Israeli teens. Israel has killed three key Hamas leaders. Hamas has executed 18 collaborators with Israel. Hamas leader Haniyah says Palestine will be liberated.
Barbara Simpson: If This Isn’t War…
Barbara Simpson says the beheading of James Foley is a declaration of war. Obama’s tepid speech shows he’s too frightened to realize it’s war and he has no plan to protect the country.
Ed & Rosie: California Students Frozen out of UC
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss record enrollment of out-of-state and international students. Will it lock out California resident students?
John Rothmann: Keeping Ukraine On The Radar Screen
With the eyes of the world on Islamic State, the Middle East and Ferguson, John Rothmann says we need to keep the events in Ukraine on the radar screen.
Ed Baxter: Plastic Bag Ban in California
Paper or Plastic? Calfornia has a new piece of legislation it is considering which bans single use plastic bags. Ed Baxter looks at the arguments.
John Rothmann: Same Sex Marriage and the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is critical in all our lives. The make-up of the Court must be a crucial issue in both the elections of 2014 and 2016.
Ed & Rosie: The President’s No-Win Situation
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the Ferguson, Missouri affect on the question of race. President Barack Obama accused of being racist.
John Rothmann: Beheading of James Foley
What we must do to stop the Islamic State. John Rothmann discusses.
John Rothmann: Evil Does Exist in the World
John Rothmann discusses the seriousness of the world-wide threat of radical Islam. It will require a world-wide effort to overcome it.
Stan Burford: Ed Disagrees with Gov. Brown – Stan Disagrees with Ed
Stan Burford points out that recently Ed Baxter took issue with Gov. Brown regarding Delta Water to be shipped to Southern California and the Governor’s position regarding the Bullet Train. Stan takes a look at the FACTS and apparently the Governor is right.
Ed Baxter: Different Views on Racism Between Races
Ed Baxter discusses the Pew Research Poll on whether race is getting too much attention in the Ferguson, Missouri discussions. Ed feels there is a large disconnect between races and that everybody needs to understand.
John Rothmann: Separate and Unequal in Ferguson
John Rothmann asks whether we have moved toward two different nations. What is the racial national divide? Race in America.
Stan Burford: Why the Militarization of Local Police?
The Militarization of local police did not just happen. It’s grown over the years from within the political arena and as a result of post war surplus.
John Rothmann: PUC and PG&E Are Cozy
John Rothmann says the Governor needs to reform the California Public Utilities Commission. Let’s not put the fox in charge of the chicken coup: The PUC and PG&E.
Ed & Rosie: Lands End GQ Soft Porn
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Land’s End rewarding customers with GQ magazine with an almost naked woman’s picture. Emily Ratajkowski is almost nude.
John Rothmann: Race, Michael Brown, Ferguson, MO and Beyond
John Rothmann discusses racial issues in the United States and the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. Race relations in the US are still not good.
Barbara Simpson & Ed Baxter: Is Jerry Brown Losing It?
Barbara Simpson and Ed Baxter discuss California Governor Jerry Brown’s latest proposals. Simpson says Brown is showing us who he’s always been and Baxter says he thinks the Governor has changed.
John Rothmann Defends Governor Jerry Brown from Ed Baxter
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter discuss whether Governor Jerry Brown has lost his way on issues of water and the Bullet Train.
Ed Baxter: Has Governor Jerry Brown Lost His Way?
Ed Baxter is asking whether Governor Jerry Brown has lost his way on the Peripheral Canal Water issues, and California Public Utilities Commission, and the Bullet Train are wrong.
John Rothmann: Iraq Changes or Does It?
John Rothmann says Al-Maliki is out but the threat remains. Rothmann says the Islamic state is growing.
Ed & Rosie: Mean Tweets at Zelda Williams
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the malicious tweets that have come to Robin Williams daughter. Zelda Williams has canceled her Twitter account.
Ed Baxter: California Save Water Bond
The California Legislature has voted to put a water bond on the ballot. Ed Baxter says this seems like a good idea but the devil is in the details.
Ed & Rosie: Hillary and Barack at War?
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: friends or not? Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether Hillary Clinton should be fighting with the President.
Ed & Rosie: Boots Back in Iraq?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about troops back in Iraq. Is the US going back into Iraq or should we stay out?
Barbara Simpson & John Rothmann Agree on Radical Islam
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann talk about the dilemma of our security and and radical Islam.
Stan Burford: Barbara and John Missed a BIG question on Immigration
Stan Burford disagrees with Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann on Immigration. He says there is NO one answer and we need to get to the cause.
John Rothmann: US Foreign Policy is Confused
John Rothmann says there are advisors with boots on the ground in Iraq. Nobody knows what the clear answer is of what to do next.
John Rothmann: Iraq Catch 22
As Iraq descends into chaos, the tragedy continues and grows. John Rothmann discusses the apparent no-win situation.
John Rothmann: European Attacks on Jews
John Rothmann talks of European hatred of Jews and is being magnified by the violence in the Middle East. Will we allow hatred of Jews be part of the matrix of how we live?
Stan Burford: Foreign Aid Equalling US Aid
Stan Burford says US foreign aid should also aid American workers and the US economy.
Barbara Simpson vs. John Rothmann: Immigration – Wow!
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann disagree about legal and illegal immigration. Rothmann charges Simpson to round up illegal aliens and Simpson says seal the borders.
Ed & Rosie: Gay Non Funeral
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about a Southern Baptist Church that wouldn’t allow a son’s funeral because he was gay. Would Christ have acted that way regarding homosexuals?