Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Fremont changing its mind on using a sex education textbook. They also talk about using Ebola vaccine in Africa.
Barbara Simpson: Vote Out Sacramento
Barbara Simpson makes the case to vote against incumbents in November. Projects like ethics, Bay Bridge problems, and the building of the Bullet Train should lead to defeating Jerry Brown and the legislature.
Ed Baxter: America is Isolated
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of a growing feeling of US isolation. Does most of the world not like us?
Ed & Rosie: Bombing Iraq Again
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the US decision to bomb Northern Iraq to protect Americans. Should we fight in Iraq again?
John Rothmann: President Okays Iraq Bombing
President Obama authorizes air strikes in Iraq. Radical Islamists control water supplies.
Barbara Simpson: Obama Snubs General
Barbara Simpson, The Babe in the Bunker, says President Obama is ignoring the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.
John Rothmann: Hamas Breaks Cease Fire
John Rothmann talks about Hamas saying it is ready to renew the war. Israel will retaliate.
Barbara Simpson: Jerry Brown in Mexico
Barbara Simpson looks at California Governor Jerry Brown’s trip to Mexico. Mexican environmental issues tied to illegal immigrants coming across our borders.
John Rothmann & Ed Baxter: Developing News..Bomb Iraq?
The US is talking about dropping bombs on ISIS in Northern Iraq. John Rothmann and Ed Baxter talk background and possibility of boots on the ground.
Ed & Rosie: Why Not Ebola Vaccinations?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen ask why Ebola victims in Africa are not being vaccinated. Is there a supply of the experimental Ebola vaccine?
John Rothmann: Russian Crime Computer Hackers
1.2 billion pieces of information have been hacked by Russian Crime Gangs. John Rothmann talks about terrorist threats of hacking.
John Rothmann: Hamas Libel of Jews
John Rothmann talks about radical Islam’s claim that the Jews slaughter Christians to use their blood to make Matzo. Rothmann says hatred is part of the Hamas covenant.
John Rothmann: Jim Brady has Passed
John Rothmann talks about the man who stepped in front of a bullet intended for President Ronald Reagan. Jim Brady, who crusaded for gun control, has died.
John Rothmann: Both Sides Talk Immigration
John Rothmann talks about the need for due process in turning immigrants around at the southern border.
John Rothmann: Radical Islam on the March
John Rothmann talks about radical Islamists taking over Benghazi. Who takes control of governments when dictators fall?
John Rothmann: Anti-Semitism Surges in Europe
John Rothmann discusses the phenomenon of Jew hatred being on the rise in Europe. He says it is amazing considering the history of Europe.
Barbara Simpson: Hollywood and Israel Courage
Barbara Simpson talks about Mayim Bialik who has donated money to buy bullet proof vests for Israelis. Simpson says the Big Bang Theory actress displays courage.
John Rothmann: President Admits US Torture
John Rothmann discusses torture carried out in the the US after 9/11. The debate over torture is one that Americans should have.
Barbara Simpson Bashes Geraldo
Barbara Simpson bashes Geraldo Rivera for bashing Drudge. Simpson says his coverage of immigrants crossing the border is horrendous regarding Ebola and other diseases.
John Rothmann: Palestine from the River to the Sea
John Rothmann talks about specific Palestinian desires to eliminate Israel and Jews in the Middle East.
John Rothmann: Cease Fire Collapse No Surprise
John Rothmann says it is no surprise the cease fire has collapsed. He says it won’t work until Hamas gives up its desire to destroy Israel.
Barbara Simpson: Define A Child
Barbara Simpson says she is tired of the media calling illegal immigrants who are teenagers and young adults “children” in order to gain sympathy for them.
Ed & Rosie: Kids from Central America
Rosie Allen and Ed Baxter talk about the kids from Central America who are being turned back at the border. Governor Jerry Brown has a plan to shelter them.
Ed & Rosie: Drones, Zimmerman, Bachelorette Sex
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk drones over a fire, George Zimmerman a security guard, the Bachelorette and multiple sex, Charles Barkley special gift.
Ed & Rosie: Debt in the US is Scary
More than 35% of the population are drowning in debt and are being followed by collection agencies. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen say debt in the USA is scary.
John Rothmann: The March of Radical Islam
John Rothmann details the destruction at the hands of the Taliban. The shrine of Jonah may be the first in the line of many more shrine destruction.
Ed & Rosie: Dangerous Dogs That Kill
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the Cane Corso dog that killed a jogger. He had attacked before and Ed says the owner should be in jail.
Ed Baxter: 80 Year-Old Man Shoots a Burglar
Ed Baxter asks whether it makes sense an 80 year-old man has the right to shoot intruders in his home. He kills a woman who yelled she was pregnant.
Ed Baxter: Obama Contraception Compromise
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of the Obama administration’s effort to not have to make businesses with religious beliefs against contraception pay for it while, getting the coverage for women.
John Rothmann: They are still saying “Kill the Jews”
John Rothman says the streets of Europe are filled with chants of “Jews, back to the ovens, Death to the Jews!” Rothmann says the hatred and violence is at levels never before matched.
John Rothmann: Radical Islam, Christians in Iraq
John Rothmann says hatred is sacred in the world of Islam. Rothmann says Christians in Iraq are being forced to convert to Islam.
Stan Burford: Think Outside the Water Box
Stan Burford discusses water usage in California and has a new plan to help conserve water.
Ed Baxter & John Rothmann: Israel Ready to Attack
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter talk about what can happen in the Middle East. Israel is getting ready for a potential attack.
John Rothmann: The Islamic State Threat to the United States
John Rothmann discusses what Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says about radical Islam. He says it threatens the United States.
John Rothmann: On Borders – The US, Israel/Palestine, Syria
John Rothmann talks about immigrants crossing the US border, war between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as Syria and Iran. The future of the US and the Mideast are at stake.
Ed & Rosie: Veteran Defends Himself in Chicago with a Gun
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about whether war veterans should have concealed weapon permits. The vet says he shot in self defense.
Ed & Rosie: San Francisco Loses George Lucas and America’s Cup
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss San Francisco losing the Lucas Museum and America’s Cup. Has San Francisco lost its mojo?
Ed & Rosie: Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl Released by the Taliban
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree on whether Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter. Does the US negotiate with terrorists?