Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about Groundhog Day. Are we in store for 6 more weeks of winter?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Sierra Snow Pack Non-Existent
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about the snowpack in the Sierra. At only 12%, it appears California’s drought will only get worse.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather Patterns Mean More Drought
Lloyd Lindsay Young explains that with the jet stream in the same pattern as last year, it looks like California’s drought will continue.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Blizzard Aftermath
Lloyd Lindsay Young looks at the recent East Coast blizzard and why areas like Boston were hit hard, but New York was not.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Big Storm Not Quite As Big
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about the east coast Blizzard of 2015. Except for parts of Long Island and Boston, it wasn’t as big as predicted.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Major Blizzard Hits East Coast
Lloyd Lindsay Young on the major blizzard hitting the East Coast dumping 3 feet of snow, bringing high winds, and disrupting travel.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Drought Emergency
With no rain expected for the entire month, Lloyd Lindsay Young says we are big trouble when it comes to rainfall in California.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather And Real Estate
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses how weather can affect real estate prices.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: 2014 – Driest Year On Record
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about how 2014 saw the least amount of rainfall and was the driest year going back to the 1880s.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Rain and Motorcycles
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses how riding a motorcycle in the rain is dangerous and should be avoided if at all possible.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Running Out Of Time
Lloyd Lindsay Young says we’re running out of time when it comes to rainfall to help California’s drought.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Where to Go Skiing
With poor skiing conditions in California, Lloyd Lindsay Young shares where else to go for hitting the slopes.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Best Time To Fly
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses what time of day is best for air travel to avoid turbulence.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Catching A Cold On A Plane
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about why we catch colds on airplanes and what we can do about it.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Driving SUVs In Snow
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about driving SUV’s in the snow and that even though they are more suited for bad weather, care should still be taken on the road.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California’s Drought Emergency Continues
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses how, despite huge rainfall in December, California’s drought crisis continues.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Did Weather Affect Air Asia 8501?
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks whether bad weather brought down Air Asia flight 8501 and why the captain didn’t turn back when encountering the weather system.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Arctic Blast Returns
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about how, much like last year, the arctic blast is back bringing freezing temperatures.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Polar Vortex Returns
Like a bad movie sequel, the polar vortex returns causing changing weather patterns and freezing conditions across the country. Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses this weather phenomenon.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: 2014 Weather Recap
From drought to the polar vortex, Lloyd Lindsay Young recaps the weather we had around the country in 2014.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: How Low Can It Go in California?
What are some of the all time record lows in California? Lloyd Lindsay Young has the answers.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Warmest Year in California Ever?
Lloyd Lindsay Young on whether this outgoing year is the warmest ever for the state of California.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Traveling This Holiday Season
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about national travel this holiday season.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Check Ahead With Your Carrier
Lloyd Lindsay Young reminds us it’s always a good idea to check ahead before travel.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather-related Christmas Gifts
Lloyd Lindsay Young shares some ideas for weather-related Christmas gifts.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Driving Safely in Bad Weather
With the recent Northern California storms, Lloyd Lindsay Young offers tips for driving safely in bad weather.
[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/omnimedia/lloyd-lindsay-young-driving-safely-in-bad-weather]
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Key To Ending Drought
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses what is needed to break the drought in California.
[soundcloud_ultimate track=http://soundcloud.com/omnimedia/lloyd-lindsay-young-key-to-ending-drought]
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Changing Weather Patterns
Lloyd Lindsay Young on what’s causing the changing weather patterns in California that are bringing so much rain.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Bad Weather Forces School Closures
In the wake of the big storm in the Bay Area, Lloyd Lindsay Young commends schools for closing.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Common Sense During Bad Weather
As Northern California gets pummeled by a major storm, Lloyd Lindsay Young reminds us to use common sense when out in the elements.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: How to Prepare for a Big Storm
As the biggest storm in 6 years heads for the Bay Area, Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about how to prepare for a big storm.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Rain Gauges
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks how accurate are rain gauges.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Northern California Braces For Big Storm
Lloyd Lindsay Young looks at the big storm expected to hit Northern California and the Bay Area by Thursday.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Overcoming Jet Lag
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about overcoming jet lag and why it’s harder coming home than going there.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Is This The Year For Rain?
Lloyd Lindsay Young on why he thinks this rainy season will bring above normal precipitation.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Rainfall Totals
After recent storms, Lloyd Lindsay Young looks at rainfall totals so far in the drought stricken Bay Area.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Winter Terminology
Lloyd Lindsay Young explains winter weather terminology and the difference between a watch and a warning.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Percentage Of Rain
Lloyd Lindsay Young on what the term “percentage of rain” means and why he doesn’t like to use it.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Northern California To Get Hit with Storms
Lloyd Lindsay Young says three storms are coming early next week to Northern California.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Holiday Travel
As the holiday weekend approaches, Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about holiday travel and where the weather trouble spots are.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: San Diego Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young on why San Diego seems to have the best weather in the United States.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Cruise Bargains
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about why there are bargains this time of year for cruising, what the weather is like, and what are the best destinations.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Global Warming Confusion
Even with the deep freeze in Buffalo and other parts of the country, Lloyd Lindsay Young still believes global warming is real and is of concern.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Snomageddon in Buffalo
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about the fierce snow system in Buffalo and what he thinks is wrong with the Weather Channel.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California Skiing
Lloyd Lindsay Young on skiing in California. Will the resorts open on time and what will the conditions be?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California Precipitation
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about California precipitation and whether or not we will have “normal” levels or rainfall this year.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Indoor Temperatures
Lloyd Lindsay Young gives his recommendations for indoor temperatures at home and at restaurants.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Location, Location, Location … and the Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young on how weather affects home prices.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Hyping the Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young disagrees with how, several times a year, TV stations hype the weather for ratings.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Polar Vortex Returns
Lloyd Lindsay Young on the polar vortex being back in place. Does it mean this winter will be like last?