A ‘general’ look back as we end 2014. A look more at Life than Time. Stan Burford hosts.
Stan Burford: The Navy Reinvents the Shark
The Naval Office of Rapid Innovation has just introduced a shark look-alike. It’s a spy that swims…..
Stan Burford: Are Electric Cars Really “Non-polluting”?
Stan Burford asks, even though you only need to plug in you electric car at home — where is the electricity coming from??? And is it clean???
[soundcloud_ultimate track=https://soundcloud.com/omnimedia/buford-are-electric-cars-really-non-polluting]
Stan Burford: It’s Time to Hack the Hackers
Millions of dollars and tons of information is lost every year to cyber attacks. Now there are companies ready to “fight” back. Stan Burford hosts.
Stan Burford: Does Iran Have the Bomb?
Stan Burford asks if Iran has nuclear weapons – or wants them.
Stan Burford: Dogs Need a Vacation Too
Stan Burford on boarding your dogs while on vacation.
Stan Burford: Preparing for a New Job Interview
Many people may have good job skills but they don’t interview well. Stan Burford presents a list of do’s and don’t’s.
Stan Burford: Coming Soon – New, Lightweight Electric Scooters
Stan Burford reports several companies, some BIG, are bringing foldable, portable electric scooters to market to aid the commuting public.
Stan Burford: Parcel delivery to your parked car
Stan Burford reports on Volvo partnering with DHL to use cell phones and GPS to deliver parcels to parked cars.
Stan Burford: In The Air
Stan Burford muses about drones now used in growing grapes, Robert Bass puts his money in the sky and Air Bus says – enough is enough.
Stan Burford: What is the Cloud?
Software and computer companies are all talking about “the Cloud” – What is the Cloud? Where is the Cloud? Is there more than one? How much does it cost? Stan Burford hosts.
Stan Burford: Understanding the Game of Golf? Really?
Golf is a relatively simple game. Stan Burford says understanding some of it’s finer points – not so easy…
Stan Burford: Triple Dipping Vets
Stan Burford talks about how 60,000 veterans are triple dipping as they receive benefits for retirement, service and medical. Is it a problem? What’s the story?
Stan Burford: Google – Nano Medicine Inside a Pill
Stan Burford says Google is researching the use of nanotechnology with “electronics” you swallow.
Stan Burford: New water taxi service between San Francisco and Oakland
New water taxi service has been testing service between SF and downtown Oakland for over a year. Now they’re going to add a bigger boat and try to establish a regular water taxi service…
Stan Burford: A Canal System For Boston?
Stan Burford discusses the Urban Land Institute which recently suggested that Boston consider building a series of canals in the Back Bay District to handle the issue of rising tides.
Stan Burford: “Automatic” Tipping?
Stan Burford reports Bay Area restaurants are going to start “automatically” adding a 20% “service fee” [aka-tip] to your bill. The money will be used to cover increased salary and benefit costs…[?]
Stan Burford: Is It News?
Stan Burford asks if the reporting of news is really “news” and does it really require our attention.
Stan Burford: Vote or Shut Up!
With today being the last day to register to vote in California, Stan Burford talks about how even if people don’t agree, if the don’t vote, they lose their right to complain.
Stan Burford: Are You Smarter Than A Smart Building?
Stan Burford talks about how computers helped building design become bold. Now computers are helping buildings understand you and your needs.
Stan Burford: How to Solve Distracted Driving
Stan Burford comes up with a plan of How to solve the problem of Distracted Driving. A look at what causes “distracted driving” and what the future holds to solve the problem.
Stan Burford: Cyber Security: Who’s That Looking In The Window?
Stan Burford looks at cyber-security and how it’s a billion dollar problem.
Stan Burford: Trying To Beat Global Warming
Stan Burford talks about ways to help Mother Nature beat global warming including solar and wind.
Stan Burford: Change The Tide of Time
In 86 years the waters of the San Francisco Bay could be 6 feet higher. Stan Burford says a lot of “today” will be underwater.
Stan Burford: Who Was That Doctor? Unexpected Hospital Expenses
Stan Burford talks about unexpected medical “assistance” driving surgical fee’s up by $117,000 and nothing the patient could do.
Stan Burford: No Plastic Bags In California
Stan Burford looks at California’s new plastic bag law and how it could make millions for the stores who “sell” paper bags.
Stan Burford: Interpreting Climate Change
It’s not always the story as much as it is who tells you the story. Stan Buford looks into the different reporting on Climate Change.
Stan Burford: The Crisis with ISIS
Stan Burford gives an updated look at ISIS and the reason behind their existence.
Stan Burford: Who Controls the World Wide Web?
Stan Burford asks if anybody controls the World Wide Web.
Stan Burford: US Lesson From Scotland?
Scotland has voted — to stay in the UK. Stan Burford says the United States should take notice of all the voters going to the polls.
Stan Burford: What Age To Die – Another Thought
Stan Burford reacts to Ed and Rosie’s discussion on What Age To Die.
Stan Burford: Is it Common Core or New Math?
Stan Burford talks about how years ago it was called New Math. Today it’s called Common Core. What is it? And why are parents and teachers so upset?
Stan Burford: The Apple Watch and Other Unintended Consequences
Stan Burford talks about how the Apple Watch is only one of a number of wearable communication devices, but do we really need to communicate that much?
Stan Burford: Department of Defense Bureaucracy
Stan Burford talks about how recent studies show that the Department of Defense owns over $800 million dollars of buildings and land and they don’t know where all of it is or how it’s being used.
Stan Burford: 2nd BART Tube?
Stan Burford says a 2nd BART Tube has been proposed with three different approaches.
Stan Burford: 2014 in the US a LOT better than 1910
Comparing 1910 vs. 2014, life in the US doesn’t seem as crazy as many think. Stan Burford says perspective is a good thing.
Stan Burford: What is ISIS and Why Are We Involved?
Stan Burford asks, What is ISIS and who is going to address the problem? Is it ‘just’ the US or will others help?
Stan Burford: Sometimes the WEB speaks Greek
Searching the web is not as easy as simply asking a question. According to Stan Burford, you need to ask the “right” question.
Stan Burford: Leaving the US for Better Taxes = Bad Idea
Taxes and Corporate inversions / leaving the US for a better “deal”. Stan Buford says Burger King is becoming a Canadian Company possibly to avoid the US tax rate.
Stan Burford: Drones from 1849 to 2014 — Hot air to rocket power
Stan Burford takes a look at drones – from balloon to rockets to 10 pound flying cameras. What are drones and why should I care?
Stan Burford Explains Burial Life Insurance
Ed Baxter is confused by a Burial Life Insurance ad and can’t understand just what is being offered, or why.
Stan Burford: Pay Now or Pay Later, You Still Pay!!!
Open Table just gets you a restaurant reservation. Now offering some competition are a group of “pre-paid” reservation services that guarantee you a seat and desired time but you pay in advance; it’s like buying a ticket to play.
Stan Burford: The World is Going To The Dogs
Stan Burford on new legislation that will allow dogs into patios and decks of restaurants in CA starting 1/1/15.
Stan Burford: Ed Disagrees with Gov. Brown – Stan Disagrees with Ed
Stan Burford points out that recently Ed Baxter took issue with Gov. Brown regarding Delta Water to be shipped to Southern California and the Governor’s position regarding the Bullet Train. Stan takes a look at the FACTS and apparently the Governor is right.
Stan Burford: Why the Militarization of Local Police?
The Militarization of local police did not just happen. It’s grown over the years from within the political arena and as a result of post war surplus.
Stan Burford: Changes in Credit Cards
Stan Burford talks about the history of credit cards and where we are going. Diners Club, Master Charge, Bank of America cards.
Stan Burford: Barbara and John Missed a BIG question on Immigration
Stan Burford disagrees with Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann on Immigration. He says there is NO one answer and we need to get to the cause.
Stan Burford: Foreign Aid Equalling US Aid
Stan Burford says US foreign aid should also aid American workers and the US economy.
Stan Burford Asks Why Am I Here?
Stan Burford tries to explain why he is in The Talk Pod.
Stan Burford: The USA as a Company?
Stan Burford muses about whether the United States works or could work like a corporation. Buford has an interesting view into how the IRS fits in as well as Congress and the military.