Stan Burford in “Thinking Without Borders” talks about all the borders in which we live. Burford says we don’t have to think that way. Thinking outside the borders.
Stan Burford: Three Day Work Week
Stan Burford “thinking without borders” looks at Carlos Slim”s idea of a three day work week of 11 hours a day. Netherlands has a 29 hour work week and could squeeze more people into the workforce.
Stan Burford: How the Rich Spend Their Money
Stan Burford talks Larry Ellison, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Marisa Mayer and other rich Silicon Valley men and women spend their money.
Stan Burford: All Our Little Gadgets
Stan Burford talks all the electronic gadgets he has accumulated. The fast evolution of our electronic and digital age.
Stan Burford: Think Outside the Water Box
Stan Burford discusses water usage in California and has a new plan to help conserve water.
Stan Burford: Treating People As Individuals
Stan Burford reveals a very personal story about how students score in tests. He says he wishes people would have treated his dyslexia differently.
Stan Burford unpacks most of his stuff to greet you
Stan Burford joins the Talk Pod. He has worked in the Bay Area and knows all the Bay Area personalities.