Barbara Simpson and Ed Baxter discuss California Governor Jerry Brown’s latest proposals. Simpson says Brown is showing us who he’s always been and Baxter says he thinks the Governor has changed.
John Rothmann Defends Governor Jerry Brown from Ed Baxter
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter discuss whether Governor Jerry Brown has lost his way on issues of water and the Bullet Train.
Ed Baxter: Has Governor Jerry Brown Lost His Way?
Ed Baxter is asking whether Governor Jerry Brown has lost his way on the Peripheral Canal Water issues, and California Public Utilities Commission, and the Bullet Train are wrong.
Ed Baxter: California Save Water Bond
The California Legislature has voted to put a water bond on the ballot. Ed Baxter says this seems like a good idea but the devil is in the details.
Ed Baxter: Selfie on a Cliff / Hidden Gold
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of some strange stories. Selfie on a cliff, hidden World War II treasure found, woman hides tens of thousands of dollars in her bra and girdle.
Ed Baxter: Robin Williams Dead
Ed Baxter remembers Robin Williams.
Ed Baxter: Selfie Surgery…We’re Doomed
Ed Baxter discusses the trend of getting cosmetic surgery to look good in selfies. Camera angles in taking selfies is better than surgical photoshop.
Ed Baxter: America is Isolated
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of a growing feeling of US isolation. Does most of the world not like us?
Ed Baxter: Hands Free Law Outdated
Ed Baxter contends that with some new technology it may be safer to put your hand on your mobile device than to go hands free.
Ed Baxter: Are Junk Home Loans Back?
Ed Baxter discusses new loans that are being written that go outside the bounds learned in the Great Recession. Impac Mortgage is offering loans that even many consumer advocates like and don’t consider junk loans.
Ed Baxter: The Talk Pod User Guide
Ed Baxter talks about The Talk Pod Mission and how to navigate the site. Welcome to The Talk Pod.
Ed Baxter: Bisexual Monogamy Anna Paquin
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of Larry King’s surprise at Anna Paquin saying she can be bisexual and monogamous.
Ed Baxter: Bieber and Bloom Push, Eat Big Hamburger
Ed Baxter details nonsense stories from Bieber and Bloom, lighting oneself on fire, man who puts his hand down sleeping woman panties on airplane, and Monster Hamburger plate.
Ed Baxter: 80 Year-Old Man Shoots a Burglar
Ed Baxter asks whether it makes sense an 80 year-old man has the right to shoot intruders in his home. He kills a woman who yelled she was pregnant.
Ed Baxter: Obama Contraception Compromise
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of the Obama administration’s effort to not have to make businesses with religious beliefs against contraception pay for it while, getting the coverage for women.
Ed Baxter Making Sense: Tony Dungy – Michael Sam
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of Tony Dungy saying he wouldn’t draft gay football player Michael Sam.
Ed Baxter: Pay Attention, Please
Ed Baxter asks whether technology is making us less able to focus on things all around us.
Ed Baxter: Bad Joke Tweets
Ed Baxter is trying to make sense for the Jason Biggs bad joke following the Malaysian Airlines crash. What are the good ways and bad ways of tweeting?
Ed Baxter & John Rothmann: Israel Ready to Attack
John Rothmann and Ed Baxter talk about what can happen in the Middle East. Israel is getting ready for a potential attack.
Ed Baxter: California Drought and Water Problems
Ed Baxter and Making Sense look at California’s drought and water problems. He says split California in two.
Ed Baxter: World Cup Soccer Madness
Ed Baxter asks whether Soccer should have more scoring. Is soccer boring?
Ken Dito & Ed Baxter: Is How Much Money An Athlete Makes Important?
Ken Dito and Ed Baxter discuss Colin Kaepernick’s new contract. Compare that to what teachers, fire fighters, and police are paid.