Ken Dito on how sloppy play by Colin Kaepernick and the 49ers led to their defeat by the Rams.
John Rothmann: Bullets Vs Ballots
John Rothmann compares the ballots of our democratic election process to the bullets, death, and destruction in Iraq and Syria.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Winter in Yellowstone
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about winter in Yellowstone National Park.
John Rothmann: Bay Bridge Costs On the Rise – Again
John Rothmann on how cost overruns for the new Bay Bridge continue.
John Rothmann: Global Warming is Real
John Rothmann on the UN reporting that global warming is a reality and the time to act is now.
Stan Burford: Google – Nano Medicine Inside a Pill
Stan Burford says Google is researching the use of nanotechnology with “electronics” you swallow.
Ed & Rosie: Time Change Crazies
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree about whether we should stay on standard time or go to year round Daylight Savings Time.
John Rothmann: History Haunting the GOP?
The challenge facing the GOP goes back to 1964. John Rothmann explains.
John Rothmann: US and Israel Still Allies?
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel may exist, but they will not effect the alliance between two allies.
Celeste Perry: Project Boom – Sexy is the New Scary
Celeste Perry on Halloween and how sexy is the new scary.
John Rothmann: Race is a Factor in the Election
With an African-American in the White House, race is becoming an election issue. John Rothmann analyzes.
Ken Dito: Is This a Giants Dynasty?
Ken Dito talks about the Giants World Series win, plus a preview of the 49ers – Rams.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Driving with Chains
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about driving in winter conditions with chains.
Elizabeth Kate: Wild and Wonderful Australia
Elizabeth Kate on wines from Australia.
John Rothmann: The Jihadist Threat Increases
John Rothmann discusses how Jihadists from 80 countries which are fighting alongside ISIS, are increasing the threat.
Stan Burford: New water taxi service between San Francisco and Oakland
New water taxi service has been testing service between SF and downtown Oakland for over a year. Now they’re going to add a bigger boat and try to establish a regular water taxi service…
Flick Nation: Is Nightcrawler a Network for Our Times?
It’s the most honest review you can find: in the car on the way home! Dennis Willis and Steve Wagner’s immediate reaction to Jake Gyllenhaal’s creepy turn in the violent media satire Nightcrawler.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Tropical Vacations And Weather
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about tropical vacations, the weather in those regions and what you should do to protect yourself from the elements.
John Rothmann: GOP Battle Lines
Senator Ted Cruz has drawn the battle lines for the GOP in 2016.
Ken Dito: Giants Win World Series
Ken Dito recaps the World Series win by the San Francisco Giants, their 3rd title in 5 years with Madison Bumgarner getting named MVP.
John Rothmann: Civil Liberties or National Security?
As the postal service widens its practice of monitoring mail and security tightens at federal buildings, John Rothmann asks “What is more important, civil liberties or national security?”
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Micro Climates – How Do We Forecast Them?
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about mini-climates that exist in some regions. The Bay Area, for example, has 10-12. How do we forecast for such micro-climates?
John Rothmann: Boehner Could Win And Lose
John Rothmann talks about as the election approaches, gains by the Tea Party would give the GOP an advantage but could reshape the party and force Boehner from leadership.
Ken Dito: World Series Game 7 Preview
Ken Dito previews Game 7 of the World Series between the Giants and the Royals.
John Rothmann: Obamacare Is Here To Stay
John Rothmann on how even if the Republicans capture the Senate, President Obama’s healthcare plan will not be repealed.
Dan Ashley: The Bay Area Connection to the Museum of History of Polish Jews
Dan Ashley discusses the Museum of History of Polish Jews that opened in Warsaw today and the Bay Area connection that made it happen.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Why Do School Buses Lack Safety Belts?
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks why school buses don’t have safety belts and how we can improve safety for children.
John Rothmann: One Week Until The Mid-Term Elections
John Rothmann talks about how the mid-term elections are just a week away and the make-up of the Senate hangs in the balance.
Ken Dito: World Series Game 6 Preview
Ken Dito previews Game 6 of the World Series. It’s Peavy vs Ventura and the Giants could take it all tonight.
Stan Burford: A Canal System For Boston?
Stan Burford discusses the Urban Land Institute which recently suggested that Boston consider building a series of canals in the Back Bay District to handle the issue of rising tides.
Flick Nation: What to Watch this Halloween
Your guide to what to watch this Halloween, from the graphic (Saw, Friday the 13th, Halloween) to the cuddly (It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown). Hosted by Dennis Willis.
John Rothmann: Jeb Bush Appears Ready For 2016
John Rothmann on how as the 2016 election draws closer, Jeb Bush appears to be poised to run.
Ken Dito: World Series Game 5 Recap
Ken Dito recaps Game 5 of the World Series as the Giants, behind Madison Bumgarner’s pitching, take a 3 games to 2 lead over the Royals.
John Rothmann: Christians Flee Iraq and the World is Silent
John Rothmann talks about the continuing crisis in Iraq and as Christians flee the region, the world reacts with silence.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: All About Weather Fronts
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about the different types of weather fronts and what they do to the weather.
John Rothmann: Science Vs. Fear
John Rothmann on how politics, science, and fear are playing into the current Ebola crisis.
Stan Burford: “Automatic” Tipping?
Stan Burford reports Bay Area restaurants are going to start “automatically” adding a 20% “service fee” [aka-tip] to your bill. The money will be used to cover increased salary and benefit costs…[?]
Elizabeth Kate: Bordeaux Anyone?
Elizabeth Kate with “Bordeaux Basics.”
Ed & Rosie: Blackwater Guilty?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the guilty verdicts for Blackwater soldiers fighting in Iraq.
John Rothmann: Afghanistan – Now What?
The US is leaving Afghanistan. Is it a repeat of Vietnam and Iraq? John Rothmann analyzes.
Ken Dito: World Series Game 4 Wrap
Ken Dito reports the Giants took care of business at home to even the World Series by beating Kansas City 11-4.
Barbara Simpson: Feds Slam the Poor
Barbara Simpson on how cuts to the food stamp program are causing a huge financial hit to merchants and are threatening the poor.
Ken Dito: World Series Game 3 Wrap
Ken Dito looks back at Game 3 of the World Series as the Royals move ahead of the Giants 2 games to 1 in the Fall Classic.
Ed & Rosie: Nazis Getting Social Security
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the revelation that the US has been paying Nazis to live abroad and not in the United States.
John Rothmann: Frank Mankiewicz Dies at 90
John Rothmann reflects on the passing of former Robert F. Kennedy press secretary in 1968 and president of NPR, Frank Mankiewicz. Mankiewicz died at age 90 and left his mark on America.
Ken Dito: World Series Game 3 Preview
Ken Dito previews game 3 of the World Series as the Giants and Royals are tied at 1 game apiece.
John Rothmann: More Middle East Headlines
John Rothmann on how the numerous headlines from the Middle East reflect the tragedy that is happening in the region.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Flash Flood Watch Vs. Flash Flood Warning
Lloyd Lindsay Young explains the difference between a flash flood watch and a flash flood warning.
John Rothmann: Secession Is Not An Option
John Rothmann believes a proposal by southern states to secede from the union and call themselves “Reagan” is utter lunacy.
Ed & Rosie: Is That Really Rene Zellwegger?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the cosmetic surgery work Renee Zellwegger has had. Did she intend to look like a different person?