We head Down Under as Elizabeth Kate talks about Australian Wine including the iconic Penfold Grange.
John Rothmann: Criticism Mounts Against the President
John Rothmann looks at how opposition and criticism against President Obama are on the rise, including from the Democratic Party.
Ed Baxter: Real Baseball Excitement This Year
Ed Baxter seems to feel there is really excitement for the Baseball playoffs this year. Angels, Dodgers, Nationals out. Giants, Cardinals, Royals Orioles in. Could be a wild card World Series?
Ken Dito: Quentin Kopp’s View On Sports Part 3
In Part 3 of the series, Ken Dito talks sports with longtime Bay Area political fixture, Quentin Kopp.
John Rothmann: PG&E and the PUC
John Rothmann looks at how there is now a federal investigation of P.G.& E. and the P.U.C. and says it is about time.
Flick Nation: Home Media Guide: Fun with Time Travel
Mr. Peabody, Sherman, and Wolverine all travel back in time, to mixed results. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
John Rothmann: What If Kobani Falls to Islamic State?
John Rothmann asks what would happen if Kobani falls to Islamic State? How will President Obama respond?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Going On A Cruise? Here’s What You Need To Know
Lloyd Lindsay Young looks at cruising and what you should know before you go when it comes to weather and taking precautions.
John Rothmann: Senator Cruz Blasts SCOTUS
John Rothmann on how Senator Ted Cruz has blasted the Supreme Court on same sex marriage and is building his base for 2016.
Stan Burford: Change The Tide of Time
In 86 years the waters of the San Francisco Bay could be 6 feet higher. Stan Burford says a lot of “today” will be underwater.
Ed Baxter: Label Her An American
Ed Baxter talks about taking labels out of society. Raven Simone talks with Oprah Winfrey about not wanting to be labeled “gay” or “African American”. She says she wants to be known as an American.
Dan Ashley: Living Below Our Means Is Important
Dan Ashley talks about financial health, rainy day funds and saving for the future.
John Rothmann: The Vice President Is Spot On
John Rothmann on how Vice President Joe Biden’s comments about support for Islamic extremists and their funding were spot on.
Elizabeth Kate: All About Chablis
Elizabeth Kate talks about the misconceptions over Chablis and how it is not the cheap wine you might think it is.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Loneliest Road
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about the loneliest road in America and what type of weather it has.
John Rothmann: Same Sex Marriage Can Proceed
John Rothmann on how the Supreme Court’s has declined to hear same sex marriage cases from around the country. This means gay marriage can move forward.
Dan Ashley: Cancer Drug Costs
Dan Ashley on the increasing cost of cancer care and medication.
John Rothmann: First Monday In October
John Rothmann says it is the first Monday in October and the Supreme Court opens a new term. A lot is riding on the mid term elections as to the future direction of the Court.
Stan Burford: Who Was That Doctor? Unexpected Hospital Expenses
Stan Burford talks about unexpected medical “assistance” driving surgical fee’s up by $117,000 and nothing the patient could do.
John Rothmann: Boots on the Ground in Syria
Senator Graham is right about boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. John Rothmann says it’s the only way to fight radical Islam.
Michael Cardoza: Legal Implications and the NFL
Attorney Michael Cardoza asks whether the NFL has the right to suspend players without due process.
Ed & Rosie: The Birds and the Bridges
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the cost and slowdown of removing the old Bay Bridge in San Francisco. Are the birds worth it?
Mike Amatori: The iDoc App…..Really?
Mike Amatori takes us to the land of technology meeting the doctor on your iPhone.
Ed & Rosie: Caffeine Infused Pants to Cut Fat? Really?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about what the FDA has said about claims that Caffeine infused pants can cut cellulite. Should an award go back to the buyers?
Celeste Perry: Deep Fried Guns
Celeste Perry’s friend Steve moved to Texas. Celeste needs to know – why Texas?
Ed Baxter: President’s Political Foot in Mouth
Ed Baxter says the President has given the GOP a gift in their quest to pick up six Senate seats. As hard as it is to be President, he has made it harder.
Michael Cardoza: 49ers Tickets Too Much?
Attorney Michael Cardoza talks about all the Silicon Valley money that went in to buy 49ers tickets. He says the prices of today’s tickets price out families.
John Rothmann: The 2016 Election
John Rothmann talks about the the speculation that abounds in the race for president in 2016. Who will run? Who will win?
Dan Ashley: Kid Prank Is Way Too Much
Dan Ashley talks about covering news and some good, and some very bad. He says his reporting of teenagers beating to death 900 chickens is really sickening.
Ed Baxter: Giants Win…..Experts Shove It
Ed Baxter talks about the Giants game one win over the Nationals. He says games are not played on paper.
John Rothmann: Blaming Obama For Ebola
John Rothmann on how President Obama’s critics will blame him for everything including the Ebola outbreak.
Celeste Perry: Will Durst is a Funny, Funny Man
Celeste Perry talks with humorist Will Durst about his columns and a documentary that features him opening at the Mill Valley Film Festival.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Driving in America to See the Fall Colors
Lloyd Lindsay Young on where to find some of the most beautiful drives in the country, the best place to see the Fall colors, and what makes the leaves change.
John Rothmann: Turkey Joins The Battle
John Rothmann talks about how Turkey is joining the battle against Islamic State forces.
Michael Cardoza: Politics in District Attorney Decisions
Attorney Michael Cardoza says many District Attorneys make decisions based on politics, not on fairness.
Ed & Rosie: Do You Have a Back Up Husband?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the study done in England that says half of women have somebody they would go to if their husband doesn’t work out.
Mike Amatori: King Size Dogs for Rugged Men
Mike Amatori says big men need BIG dogs. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Special Offer!!
Flick Nation: Instant Review – Did Ben Affleck Kill His Wife?
It’s the most honest review you can find: in the car on the way home! Dennis Willis, Steve Wagner and Steven Kirk’s immediate reaction to David Fincher’s hotly-anticipated thriller Gone Girl, with Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike.
Ed & Rosie: California No Plastic Bag Law
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen detail California’s new law banning plastic bags.
Dan Ashley: America, Berkeley and Free Speech
Dan Ashley remembers the beginnings of the free speech movement at UC Berkeley. Ashley ties that to our free society today and our right as Americans to speak your mind.
Ed Baxter: Feeling Nuts for Testicular Cancer Awareness
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of whether this is a very worthy challenge like the Ice Bucket, or a cheap sophomoric publicity stunt.
Joe Starkey: Pac 12 Leads the Way on Student Benefits
Joe Starkey talks about how the Pac 12 conference is leading the way when it comes to benefits for student athletes.
John Rothmann: An Unease In The Land
John Rothmann says there is an unease abroad in the land. Is there any good news? The Giants won!!!
Ken Dito: Teaching Kids To Play Golf
Ken Dito talks with local PGA teaching professional, Dede Moriarity who teaches kids to play golf.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California Wildfires
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks what is causing all of these fires in California?
Ed & Rosie: Do You Have A Problem With the New Facebook Ads?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen take a different view on Facebook ads. Rosie says they are distracting and shouldn’t be there. Ed says it’s all part of the Facebook biz model.
Dan Ashley and Hateful Tweets
ABC 7 anchor Dan Ashley talks about some tweets he got after the police officer shooting in Ferguson. Dan says he thinks there is no place for these mean-spirited messages.
Welcome Mike Amatori to the Talk Pod
Mike Amatori has a message for men who may be losing their hair.
Michael Cardoza: What Do You Do If You Are Arrested
Attorney Michael Cardoza says if you get arrested, keep your mouth shut. Don’t talk to law enforcement.
John Rothmann: Do You Have a Back Up Plan For Your Spouse?
John Rothmann quotes a survey that says half of women have a back up plan for their husband.