John Rothmann talks about the fact Hillary Clinton has several problems as she pursues the presidency, one key problem is that Bill Clinton needs to remember that Hillary is the candidate.
Barbara Simpson: The Third Decapitation, Religion and Our Risk
Barbara Simpson discusses how the first victim was Catholic, second Jewish, third – – well, his brother said they are athiests but he defended the ‘religion of peace.’ What does it all mean for us and what about the next victim?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: What do you look for in a TV weather person?
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks: Does it bother you that some young TV weather women are hired for their sex appeal only?
Ken Dito: Did the Babe Point or Not?
Ken Dito talks about Frank Crosetti who was the shortstop on the 1932 NY Yankees. He was there when Babe Ruth pointed to the centerfield stands – or did he?
John Rothmann: PG&E and the PUC: Too Little, Too Late
John Rothmann talks about how the P.U.C. needs to be reformed along with the leadership of P.G.& E.
Ken Dito: 49ers and Raiders Home Openers
Ken Dito talks about how the 49ers embarrassed themselves in their first regular season game in Levi’s Stadium while the Raiders just embarrassed themselves again.
Joe Starkey: Gloomy Opener For The 49ers
Joe Starkey talks about the 49ers loss at their home opener at Levi’s Stadium.
Ed Baxter: Miss America Fun Again?
Ed Baxter says he thinks the Miss America pageant has become fun again. It is more than just bust lines and at measurements. Miss New York performed with a red plastic cup to Pharell Williams Happy.
Flick Nation: A Million Ways to Die at the Box Office
Tom Cruise’s Edge of Tomorrow gets a new name, and Seth MacFarlane shoots blanks. Hosted by Dennis Willis.
Ken Dito: NFL Week 2 Had Some Surprises
Ken DIto looks at NFL week 2. There are always upsets and week 2 in the NFL had it’s share of surprises.
Ed & Rosie: Should Parents Be Prosecuted?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether parents should be held responsible for the illegal acts of their young children.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Rain Gauges and Temperature Gauges
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks why rain gauges and temperature gauges are not accurate some of the time.
John Rothmann: Hilary In Iowa
John Rothmann talks about how Hillary made her first trip to Iowa, with Bill at her side, since her defeat in the 2008 caucus. The big news is that she will announce her intentions in January.
Stan Burford: Department of Defense Bureaucracy
Stan Burford talks about how recent studies show that the Department of Defense owns over $800 million dollars of buildings and land and they don’t know where all of it is or how it’s being used.
John Rothmann: A Wish For FDR That Did Not Come True
John Rothmann talks about how a five year old F.D.R. met President Grover Cleveland at the White House and Cleveland made a wish for the boy that did not come true.
John Rothmann: Middle East Headlines Are Dire
John Rothmann details the latest developments regarding the Middle East and that we have a major problem.
Ed & Rosie: Armed Teachers?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the plan in Missouri to have teachers carry guns in the classroom.
John Rothmann: California Is One
John Rothmann says the petition to break California into six states has failed.
Ed Baxter: Won’t Stop Talking About Domestic Violence
Ed Baxter responds to an email from a man who wants him to stop talking about domestic violence. 1 in 3 women in the U.S. is a victim. Baxter says the NFL needs to change as does society as a whole.
John Rothmann: Third ISIS Beheading
John Rothmann says the beheading of a British citizen is an act of pure evil.
Ken Dito: 49ers & Raiders
Ken Dito says “Let’s Talk Sports”: a look this weekend games in the Bay Area. 49ers and Bears in the Niners stadium opener and the Raiders looking for their first win in 2014.
Ed & Rosie: Police Officer Cuts Dog’s Throat
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a police officer’s decision to cut the throat of a dog that had attacked a woman. Could there have been a better way?
Ed Baxter: Are We at War with ISIS?
Ed Baxter points out there is a difference of opinion within the Obama administration about whether we are at war with ISIS.
Ken Dito: Adrian Peterson
Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was booked and released after beating his 4 year-old son with a tree branch.
Ed & Rosie: Smelly Cabbie Tests?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about San Diego telling cab drivers they can’t have body odor.
Stan Burford: 2nd BART Tube?
Stan Burford says a 2nd BART Tube has been proposed with three different approaches.
John Rothmann: Is Joe Biden Running for President?
If Hillary Clinton is not the nominee in 2016, why not Joe Biden? John Rothmann says one never knows what the future holds and Joe Biden is keeping his options open.
Ed & Rosie: Deadly Lyrics Off Facebook
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the man who was arrested for posting song lyrics about dead bodies lying around a campus on Facebook.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: What is the Pineapple Express?
What is the Pineapple Express? How does it effect us? Lloyd Lindsay Young explains.
John Rothmann: Is the Death Penalty a Deterrent?
The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and has not been a deterrent. The latest poll shows a drop in support for the death penalty.
Joe Starkey: Donuts to Dollars
Tim Horton’s to Canada. Joe Starkey discusses the feelings of Americans to move another company to Canada. Horton was a stellar hockey player.
Ed Baxter: Compare Bush to Hitler?
Ed Baxter reports on homework assignment that had middle schoolers comparing George W. Bush and Adolph Hitler.
Ken Dito: Raiders Host the Texans
Derek Carr gets his first home start in the NFL when the Raiders host the Houston Texans. Ken Dito reports.
Ed & Rosie: Baby Boomer Student Loan Debt
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss how many baby boomers are still carrying student loan debt. There is a story of an 81 year-old with student loan.
Flick Nation: The Drop
Mad Max, Lisbeth Salander and Tony Soprano made a movie. But is it any good? It’s the most honest review you can find: in the car on the way home! Dennis Willis and Steve Wagner’s immediate reaction to James Gandolfini’s final movie, the crime drama The Drop, also starring Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Normal Rainfall in Bay Area
When does the rainy season start and how much does normal vary in the Bay Area?
John Rothmann: An Uneasy Feeling This September 11th
John Rothmann talks about how President Obama never used the term “war,” but that is what we are waging. Following the speech, we are left with many unanswered questions.
Ken Dito: 49ers Announcer Suspended and More
Ken Dito talks about how the Ray Rice story is getting more bizarre as Roger Goodell denies all on CBS, the Niners suspend Ted Robinson for 2 games and a former FBI Director gets involved.
Baxter: 9/11 Needs to be Remembered
Ed Baxter says we can’t forget what happened on 9/11. He and his wife visited Ground Zero and he says there are messages we have to remember.
Ed & Rosie: School Bans the Use of Chapstick
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a school that wouldn’t let a child put Chapstick on her lips.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Chicago
Lloyd Lindsay Young answers the question: How did Chicago get its name as the Windy City?
Ken Dito: Jed York, the 49ers, and Ray McDonald
Ken Dito comments on the 49ers’ Jed York speaking about his role in the Ray McDonald domestic violence arrest.
John Rothmann: Before The President’s Speech
John Rothmann comments that on the day before President Obama’s speech, the G.O.P passed a resolution in the House condemning President Obama. This does not portend well for bipartisan support in advance of the speech tonight.
Rosie Allen: Atlanta Hawks Owner Not Racist
Rosie Allen says bloggers are blowing up the story regarding the owner of the Atlanta Hawks. She says his emails were not racist.
Elizabeth Kate: No Wine Solo Cup
Elizabeth Kate says the kind of glass or cup from which you drink wine makes a huge difference.
Ed & Rosie: Legal Pot Causes Problems in the Workplace
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about the laws regarding pot and catching up on the workplace. Federal and State pot laws are not the same.
John Rothmann: Zero Tolerance For Domestic Violence
John Rothmann talks about how zero tolerance for domestic violence should be a non-debatable point. The NFL should be ashamed of its conduct in this matter.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Rough Flight
Lloyd Lindsay Young on the double standard with flight attendants during rough flights.
Ken Dito: Ray Rice and the NFL
Ken Dito talks about the Ray Rice case and how Janay Rice is defending her husband.
Barbara Simpson: Wilders on Dutch Terrorism
Barbara Simpson on outspoken Dutch politician Geert Wilders who wants all militant Islamists in his country to leave and he’ll escort them out. She relates that to our country where we have had so many threats against us and NO one, from Obama on down, has a plan to deal with it.