John Rothmann on how it is bad news for President Obama and the Democrats in California according to the Field Poll. California ought to be supporting President Obama, but the news is not good for the White House.
Ed Baxter: Pot and Domestic Violence, Michael Sam, Donnie Wahlberg
Ed Baxter in Broken News checks Pot and Domestic Violence, Coffee plus a nap, Michael Sam cut, your house’s smell, Mark Wahlberg to Donnie and Jenny McCarthy “sorry not going to wedding.”
John Rothmann: Labor Day Campaign Kickoffs
Labor Day marks the traditional start of campaign season. Control of the Senate is at stake and Obama is not going to key red states. George Bush faced the same problem in 2006. With presidential popularity sagging not campaigning in key states is a reality.
Ed & Rosie: The California Legislature and Controlling Rape
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss whether the new Yes, Yes consensual sex legislation is an answer to rape on college campuses.
Ken Dito & Ed Baxter: 49ers Today and Yesterday
Ken Dito and Ed Baxter ask the question would the Forty Niners be having these kind of legal issues in the Bill Walsh days.
John Rothmann: Beethoven and the Threat of Radical Islam
John Rothmann says, believe it or not, Beethoven captured the threat of radical Islam in his music. The rising crescendo coming from radical Islam is a genuine threat.
Ed & Rosie: 48 to 60 Hour Work Weeks
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about a new poll says that we are working more and more. 48 to 60 hour work weeks are becoming the norm.
John Rothmann: Putin’s Solution is No Solution
From Tsar to Commissar to Putin, the goal is to create a new Russian empire. Making Ukraine a “state” simply is an attempt to recreate the U.S.S.R.
Ed & Rosie: We’re Binging on TV
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss all the new TV shows and that people are having to binge watch to catch up. Is this a good thing or not?
Ken Dito: MacDonald Arrest
49er defensive tackle Ray McDonald was arrested early Sunday morning on domestic violence charges. Ken Dito comments on what an upcoming suspension could mean.
Stan Burford: Leaving the US for Better Taxes = Bad Idea
Taxes and Corporate inversions / leaving the US for a better “deal”. Stan Buford says Burger King is becoming a Canadian Company possibly to avoid the US tax rate.
John Rothmann: Cyber Warfare a Real Threat
John Rothmann says hacking and hackers represent a major threat to our national security. Russia, China and Iran are all sources of major hacking attacks on the U.S.
Ken Dito: The Golf Swing
Ken Dito talks to Olympic Club teaching professional Chris Lancerini about the golf swing.
Ed & Rosie: Gun Tourism is a Growing Industry
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the trend of Gun Tourism. It includes trips to different gun ranges all around the country. International travelers come in.
Ken Dito: Aldon Smith Suspended
Ken Dito talks about how Aldon Smith is suspended 9 games by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and that the suspension came too late.
Stan Burford: Drones from 1849 to 2014 — Hot air to rocket power
Stan Burford takes a look at drones – from balloon to rockets to 10 pound flying cameras. What are drones and why should I care?
Ed Baxter: Some Very Strange Ironic Stories
Broken News is a collection of stories like a Maserati painted like a police car, pretending you dog is a cat, how much are we working, binge TV watching, our bacteria follows us. Ed Baxter hosts.
The Rosie Picture: Uzi Girl
Rosie Allen talks about the case of a gun instructor killed by a 9 year-old girl.
John Rothmann: Obama and the Challenge of Presidential Leadership
John Rothmann talks about how President Obama faces two very tough situations in dealing with Islamic State and Ukraine.
Flick Nation: 2014 Summer Movie Season: What did we learn?
Dennis Willis breaks down the hits and misses of the 2014 summer movie season.
Ed & Rosie: Online Marketing Will Fine You for Bad Review
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Online Accessories threat to fine you for making a bad review. They say they will take you to collections.
Ken Dito: On Zito, Lincecum and the Giants pitchers
Ken Dito compares Tim Lincecum to Barry Zito and thinks the Giants have to stop making mistakes evaluating pitchers.
Ed Baxter: Miley Cyrus Was Right?
Ed Baxter says he has changed his mind about Miley Cyrus taken the homeless man to the MTV music awards. She was trying to help runaway children.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Before There Was AC
Lloyd Lindsay Young looks back at what people did before air-conditioning.
Ed & Rosie: Kid Kicked Out of Pre-School
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss a four year-old kicked out of pre-school because of her mother’s Facebook post.
Stan Burford Explains Burial Life Insurance
Ed Baxter is confused by a Burial Life Insurance ad and can’t understand just what is being offered, or why.
Ed & Rosie: Travel Fees Add Up
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the mounting airline fees, hotel fees, rental car fees. Traveling is expensive. Are there ways around it?
John Rothmann: Political Fun
John Rothmann talks about how the fun is just beginning for political junkies and Romney, Clinton and Obama are all in the political mix. The 2014 campaign is just a prelude to the 2016 campaign.
Ken Dito: Sports Cliches, Part 2
Ken Dito talks about sports clichés and what they really mean.
Ed Baxter: Needing Burial Life Insurance?
Ed Baxter asks what Burial Life Insurance is? Is it life insurance or death insurance? What is auto insurance? Is health insurance actually sickness insurance?
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Burning Man
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about Burning Man and cautions on the temperature extremes.
Ed & Rosie: Pot in Your Coffee
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen disagree about whether putting pot in coffee is a bad thing. It’s legal in Washington State.
Ken Dito: ESPN Reports Michael Sam’s Showering Schedule
Ken Dito talks about ESPN airing a report on Michael Sam’s showering schedule. Necessary?
Ed Baxter: Sophia Vergara Emmy Brouhaha
Ed Baxter discusses the social media buzz after Sophia Vergara got up on a pedestal and was turned around in a circle. The question was whether she was objectified.
Barbara Simpson: Pork, Poison, Rats and Skin Color
Barbara Simpson talks about how we are inundated with news and often things slip by. Four items that might not make headlines yet demand some kind of response.
John Rothmann: Cause of Conflict in the Middle East
There are four key causes of conflict in the Middle East which must be understood. John Rothmann says the determination to destroy Israel is the real problem.
Ken Dito: Teaching Kids To Pitch, Part 3
Ken Dito talks to pitching instructor Ed Ricks in Part 3 of a 3 part series.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Dew Points
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about the dew point and why it is important.
John Rothmann: Switching Parties
John Rothmann talks about Charlie Crist, once a Republican, who is now the Democratic nominee for governor of Florida. Crist is not the first to switch his political affiliation.
Ed & Rosie: Too Early to School?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss pediatricians saying that school should start later for kids. They say kids are not getting enough sleep.
Ken Dito: Sports – One Day At a Time
Ken Dito talks about sports cliches. Ken explains what sports cliches really mean.
Barbara Simpson: Heads Off, It’s War
Barbara Simpson says decapitation video is censored just as the 9/11 footage was/is censored – – because ‘we can’t handle it’ or because we need not know WHO is responsible. There is fear we might be judgmental – – but the enemy wants us destroyed and unless we ID the enemy, we will lose – – everything. They are at war with us. We’d better admit it.
John Rothmann: Burger King to Canada?
John Rothmann says Burger King will save a fortune in corporate taxes if they move to Canada.
Ed Baxter: Airline Fight Over Knee Space; Howard Stern Ice Challenge
Ed Baxter details an altercation over the use of the Knee Defender. A man says he didn’t want his laptop crushed. Also, Howard Stern Ice Challenges Casey Kasem.
Ken Dito: Tiger Woods Fires Swing Coach
Ken Dito comments on Tiger Woods firing Sean Foley. Ken Dito thinks Tiger Woods is never going to be happy.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Altitude and Temperature
Lloyd Lindsay Young discusses how altitude affects temperature, and how to figure it out.
John Rothmann: Ronn Owens – A Profile in Courage
Ronn Owens was diagnosed with Parkinson’s many years ago. He has continued to be an outstanding broadcaster and has proven to be a true profile in courage. John Rothmann hosts.
Ed Baxter: Biggest Traffic Idiot?
Ed Baxter asks who is the biggest idiot: the aggressive fast driver or the driver who drives 65 in the fast lane and won’t move over?
Elizabeth Kate: Wines of Chili and Argentina
Tasting Happiness: The wines of Chile and Argentina with Aurelio Montes, Jr. Elizabeth Kate says she enjoyed them both.
Barbara Simpson: CA Taxpayers Pay for Lawyers for Kid Illegals
Barbara Simpson talks about how Jerry Brown and legislators think it’s good for taxpayers to give $3 million to non-profits to handle legal issues for illegal kids. It’ll be voted on this month and only requires a majority vote to pass.