Elizabeth Kate shares her thoughts on Vintage Wines.
Elizabeth Kate: Why is Champagne Special?
Elizabeth Kate explains why champagne is special.
He Said / She Said: I’m bored at Dad’s place
What does a young girl do to keep from getting bored when she’s visiting her divorced dad?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: My husband’s retirement terrifies me
A woman is terrified that her husband’s retirement will disrupt her daily routine.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: A pack a week will send me packing
A woman wants her fiancé to quit smoking before she marries him.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
Elizabeth Kate Celebrates the Holidays with Pinot Noir and Walt Wines
Celebrating the Holidays with Pinot Noir and Walt Wines. Elizabeth Kate reports.
He Said / She Said: I’m attracted to my step sister
Are there any rules for when someone is attracted to their step sibling?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: The company holiday party is a bust
What to do when the company holiday party is a bust and preventing it from happening again.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: She takes the joy out of the holidays
A woman and her sister-in-law battle over who gets to host the holidays.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: Holiday gift giving
Robin and Shawn try to take the confusion out of holiday gift giving.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
Elizabeth Kate: Hall Wines – A Beautiful Taste of Napa
Elizabeth Kate tells us all about Hall Wines—A Beautiful Taste of Napa
Elizabeth Kate: The Hoopes Family Vineyard
Elizabeth Kate reviews the Hoopes Family Vineyard – A Taste of Napa’s Best
Elizabeth Kate: What Makes a Good Wine?
Elizabeth Kate tells us what makes a “good” or “great” wine.
Mary Sheldon: How to first introduce your book to others
The drafts completed, Mary Sheldon details how to first introduce your book to others.
Mary Sheldon: How to create draft three of your book
Drafts one and two are both finished. Mary Sheldon explains how to create draft three of your book.
Mary Sheldon: How to start draft two.
Draft one is complete; Mary Sheldon expalins how to start draft two.
Mary Sheldon: What to do with your first draft.
It took longer than you expected but you’ve completed your first draft! The big question is: Now what? Mary Sheldon explains.
Elizabeth Kate reviews The Top 3 Obscure Summer White Wines
Yes, summer is almost over but it’s not too late to learn about 3 obscure summer white wines. Elizabeth Kate reviews.
He Said / She Said: The ugly side of divorce
He Said /She Said: It’s summertime and my kids are driving me nuts
The kids are out of school and they are ruining a mother’s summer.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: I’m tired of my on again, off again boyfriend
A woman has been broken up with 3 times in 4 years by the same boyfriend and can’t take it any more.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: I’m not running a restaurant
A mother is tired of the picky eaters in her family that think she’s running their private restaurant.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: My dad’s invading my privacy
A father doesn’t like what he reads on his teenage daughter’s Facebook page and decides to take action.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: I don’t want a label on my relationship
An older woman feels odd introducing her boyfriend as her boyfriend at her age.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: I found her diary
A guy finds his girlfriend’s diary and doesn’t know if he should tell her that he read a few pages.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: Can you talk to men about marriage?
What’s the best way to talk to men about marriage?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: That’s not going to be MY dog
Her kids want a dog, but how can she make sure she doesn’t end up taking care of it?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: Tell him how you really feel
What do you tell a friend that asks for your opinion about his girlfriend?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: Stop abusing my generosity
How do you tell a neighbor to stop abusing your generosity?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: She said NO
A guy proposed to his girlfriend of 3 years and she said “No”. What now?
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: Love at first sight
Does love at first sight exist? Robin and Shawn discuss.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: My girlfriend wants to have her cake & eat it too
His girlfriend wants to date other people and expects him to stick around while she does.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: What happened to having a little faith?
A mother wants to know how she can get her kids to share her Christian faith.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: My son is college bound & I’m sad
A mom is sad that her oldest is leaving the house and heading off to college.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
Elizabeth Kate: Introduces Crawford Family Wines
Elizabeth Kate: Crawford Family Wines is a Hidden Gem North of Santa Barbara
He Said / She Said: What about taking a Gap Year?
A mother is annoyed when people keep asking what her son’s plans are when he is going to take a year off between high school and college.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: First love heartbreak
She’s going off to college and just broke up with her high school sweetheart and doesn’t know if she’ll get over it.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
Kate: Mendocino’s Secret – The Wines of Kimmel Vineyards
Mendocino’s Secret – The Wines of Kimmel Vineyards. Elizabeth kate discusses.
Elizabeth Kate: Introduces Champagne Jacquart
Elizabeth Kate introduces us to Champagne Jacquart: The New Kid on The Block!
Michael Cardoza: What is the Latest on the Vallejo Kidnapping?
What is the latest on the Vallejo kidnapping? Law enforcement has gone radio silent on their investigation into the kidnapping (?) of Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn after initially calling it a hoax. So law enforcement, was it a hoax? Michael Cardoza discusses.
Mary Sheldon: After the First Draft
Mary Sheldon explains what to do after you have finished the first draft of your book.
He Said / She Said: I want my stepdaughter to like me
He Said / She Said: Spanking your kids
Robin and Shawn discuss spanking your kids in this day and age.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: Sharing a bathroom with a woman
Robin and Shawn discuss proper bathroom etiquette for woman and hygiene in the bathroom.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: My co-worker is really bugging me
Jenn’s co-worker got her phone number without her permission and is inappropriately flirting with her and she wants it to stop.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
He Said / She Said: I want a new roommate for my college bound daughter
Jackie googled her college bound daughter’s new roommate and is afraid she won’t get along with her.
Hosted by Robin Fahr & Shawn Shizzo
Mary Sheldon: More on Writing That Novel
Mary Sheldon continues her suggestions about how to create the scaffolding for your novel.
Mary Sheldon: Creating An Outline For Your Book
You’re finally ready to do it – you’re going to write that book! Mary Sheldon discusses how to create an outline for your novel.
Michael Cardoza explains “A Depraved Heart Murder”
WHAT IS DEPRAVED HEART MURDER? Six Baltimore police officers are facing charges in the Freddie Gray death that range from assault up to a charge of second degree depraved heart murder charge.
Michael Cardoza: Should an independent prosecutor be appointed in Freddie Gray case?
Should Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby recuse her office in the prosecution of the six officers accused in the death of Freddie Gray and have an independent prosecutor appointed? Michael Cardoza discusses.