With The Amazing Spider-Man 2 now available on home media, Dennis Willis, Steven Kirk and Steve Wagner debate all the ways the powers-that-be at Sony can reverse the diminishing financial and creative direction of the franchise, if they really wanted to.
Ed & Rosie: More of Us Are Watching TV
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen share a survey about how much TV Americans are watching. There are more cable shows that are grabbing our attention. Almost five hours a day watching TV.
Ken Dito: Rise Rory…Fall Tiger
Ken Dito reports on the amazing play of Rory McIlroy and the apparent fall of Tiger Woods.
John Rothmann: Iraq Catch 22
As Iraq descends into chaos, the tragedy continues and grows. John Rothmann discusses the apparent no-win situation.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: The Weather Divide
Lloyd Lindsay Young reports on how the Continental Divide affects weather.
Ken Dito: Outside the Box with Dito
Ken Dito talks about what he hopes to do in The Talk Pod. He says this is an experience all of us have been waiting for.
John Rothmann: European Attacks on Jews
John Rothmann talks of European hatred of Jews and is being magnified by the violence in the Middle East. Will we allow hatred of Jews be part of the matrix of how we live?
Elizabeth Kate: What People Drink
Elizabeth Kate talks about preferences in drinking. What is whiskey and whiskey as an art form.
Ed & Rosie: Facebook Takes Control of Your Mobile
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Facebook taking control of information in its new mobile app. Privacy and Facebook.
Stan Burford: Foreign Aid Equalling US Aid
Stan Burford says US foreign aid should also aid American workers and the US economy.
Ken Dito: Protecting NFL Players From Concussions
Ken Dito talks with Gil Haskell who was in the NFL for over 30 years. They talk about football safety, head injuries and concussions.
Barbara Simpson vs. John Rothmann: Immigration – Wow!
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann disagree about legal and illegal immigration. Rothmann charges Simpson to round up illegal aliens and Simpson says seal the borders.
Ed & Rosie: Gay Non Funeral
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about a Southern Baptist Church that wouldn’t allow a son’s funeral because he was gay. Would Christ have acted that way regarding homosexuals?
John Rothmann: The Battle for the Soul of the GOP
John Rothmann talks about lessons learned from the primaries for the Tea Party and the future of our country.
Ed & Rosie: Update on Fremont Sex Textbook and Ebola Vaccine
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about Fremont changing its mind on using a sex education textbook. They also talk about using Ebola vaccine in Africa.
Lloyd Lindsay Young Says Helllllllllllo!
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about his career and why he is happy to be in The Talk Pod.
Ed & Rosie: NCAA Must Pay Athletes
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss rules in an anti-trust case that the NCAA must pay student athletes.
Joe Starkey: NFL High Tech
Joe Starkey talks about all the hi tech at Levi’s new Forty-Niner stadium including apps that can tell you how long the wait for the bathroom will be. The Jacksonville Jaguars have the largest TV screens in the NFL.
Ed & Rosie: Mom and Dad See You Movie Nude
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Dakota Johnson in Fifty Shades of Grey not wanting her parents Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith to see the movie. Toddler breaks White House Security, marry your brother, fake smile.
Barbara Simpson: Vote Out Sacramento
Barbara Simpson makes the case to vote against incumbents in November. Projects like ethics, Bay Bridge problems, and the building of the Bullet Train should lead to defeating Jerry Brown and the legislature.
Ed Baxter: America is Isolated
Ed Baxter tries to make sense of a growing feeling of US isolation. Does most of the world not like us?
Ken Dito: Sports Fans Like Bad Boys?
Ken Dito talks about Baltimore fans cheering for Ray Rice at the opening of the game. Football also welcomes Aldon Smith of the Forty Niners.
Ed & Rosie: Bombing Iraq Again
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss the US decision to bomb Northern Iraq to protect Americans. Should we fight in Iraq again?
John Rothmann: President Okays Iraq Bombing
President Obama authorizes air strikes in Iraq. Radical Islamists control water supplies.
Barbara Simpson: Obama Snubs General
Barbara Simpson, The Babe in the Bunker, says President Obama is ignoring the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.
Stan Burford Asks Why Am I Here?
Stan Burford tries to explain why he is in The Talk Pod.
John Rothmann: Nixon Resignation Anniversary
John Rothmann remembers Richard Nixon’s resignation 40 years ago. Rothmann details some of the ironies of his administration.
Ken Dito & Joe Starkey: Big Changes for College Sports
Ken Dito and Joe Starkey discuss NCAA approval of the top conferences to write their own rules. NCAA wants big bucks.
John Rothmann: Hamas Breaks Cease Fire
John Rothmann talks about Hamas saying it is ready to renew the war. Israel will retaliate.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Extraordinary Weather in Alaska
Lloyd Lindsay Young talks about Alaskan cruises and the vital weather patterns and the sun’s effects. Why is Juneau the capital of Alaska?
Stan Burford: The USA as a Company?
Stan Burford muses about whether the United States works or could work like a corporation. Buford has an interesting view into how the IRS fits in as well as Congress and the military.
Barbara Simpson: Jerry Brown in Mexico
Barbara Simpson looks at California Governor Jerry Brown’s trip to Mexico. Mexican environmental issues tied to illegal immigrants coming across our borders.
John Rothmann & Ed Baxter: Developing News..Bomb Iraq?
The US is talking about dropping bombs on ISIS in Northern Iraq. John Rothmann and Ed Baxter talk background and possibility of boots on the ground.
Flick Nation: Behind Fading Gigolo
Steve Wagner chats with actor-writer-director John Turturro (O Bother, Where Art Thou, Quiz Show, The Big Lebowski) about his latest film Fading Gigolo, a comedy featuring Woody Allen in a rare starring role as the pimp to Turturro’s gigolo. Fading Gigolo is now available on Digital HD, Blu-ray and DVD.
John Rothmann: Is the GOP Off Base in Asking for Impeachment?
Mike Huckabee is thinking about running for President and he believes President Barack Obama should be impeached. Sarah Palin has called for impeachment.
Ed & Rosie: Why Not Ebola Vaccinations?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen ask why Ebola victims in Africa are not being vaccinated. Is there a supply of the experimental Ebola vaccine?
Ken Dito: The NBA’s First Female Coach
Ken Dito talks about Becky Hammon being hired by the San Antonio Spurs. She is being given the job because she is qualified.
John Rothmann’s TheTalk Pod Greeting
John Rothmann shares his view of what he wants to do in The Talk Pod.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: Weather Impacts Sports
Lloyd Lindsay Young asks whether it is too cold to play baseball in November. Pro Football is often played in the snow and ice.
Ed & Rosie: Sex Ed or Porn?
Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen discuss Fremont’s plan to introduce a college textbook teaching sex education to ninth graders. Some of the material is said to be almost pornographic.
John Rothmann: Lessons from Nixon Impeachment
John Rothmann details events that led in part to the impeachment of Richard Nixon. Rothmann says if the GOP had the scruples of M. Caldwell Butler it would not talk about impeaching Barack Obama.
Flick Nation Says Hello
Dennis Willis, Steve Wagner and Steven Kirk introduce themselves through The Talk Pod.
Ed & Rosie: Madden and Six Year-Old Football
Heads Up America, the NFL plan to teach kids as young as six tackle football. Ed Baxter and Rosie Allen talk about John Madden who doesn’t like the program.
John Rothmann: Russian Crime Computer Hackers
1.2 billion pieces of information have been hacked by Russian Crime Gangs. John Rothmann talks about terrorist threats of hacking.
Malou Nubla: The Best Filipino Foods
Malou Nubla talks about the chance to experience Filipino food at a San Francisco event.
Ken Dito: Another Major League Baseball Steroid Scandal
New charges have been filed over the distribution of steroids. Ken Dito asks if baseball can stand another scandal and suspensions.
John Rothmann: Hamas Libel of Jews
John Rothmann talks about radical Islam’s claim that the Jews slaughter Christians to use their blood to make Matzo. Rothmann says hatred is part of the Hamas covenant.
Lloyd Lindsay Young: California Pollution Leader – Bakersfield
Lloyd Lindsay Young says Bakersfield and Kern County have the worst air quality in the United States. Pesticides and oil refineries also contribute.
John Rothmann: Jim Brady has Passed
John Rothmann talks about the man who stepped in front of a bullet intended for President Ronald Reagan. Jim Brady, who crusaded for gun control, has died.
Ken Dito & Joe Starkey: What Makes a Good Sports Announcer
Joe Starkey and Ken Dito look at what makes a good sports announcer and the difficulty in not being a homer or a hater.