With the recent measles outbreak and the choice by some to not vaccinate their children, John Rothmann weighs in on the issue of public health vs. parental choice.
John Rothmann: What To Do About Ukraine
John Rothmann talks about the crisis in Ukraine and whether or not to supply the Ukrainians with arms.
John Rothmann: Jew Hatred Spreading?
Hate is alive and well at U.C. Davis. John Rothmann reports.
John Rothmann: PG&E – PUC: Enough is Enough
John Rothmann says the new release of 65,000 emails of PUC/PG&E content should convince us of a very cozy relationship.
John Rothmann: ISIS Book Burners
Islamic State forces are breaking into libraries and burning books. John Rothmann asks “Where is the outrage?”
John Rothmann: Romney Out, Bush In
John Rothmann discusses how Mitt Romney is not running for the presidency in 2016 meaning there will be no battle between Romney and Jeb Bush for the nomination.
John Rothmann: Slugging It Out Over Global Warming
John Rothmann talks about the ongoing debate by some on whether or not global warming is real.
John Rothmann: ISIS Threatens Obama
John Rothmann discusses the Islamic State’s threat to cut off President Obama’s head in the White House.
John Rothmann: Police and the Racial Divide
John Rothmann talks about how blacks and whites see the police through different eyes and that the racial divide is real.
John Rothmann: Wells Fargo Break In
John Rothmann weighs in on the recent break-in and burglary at the Wells Fargo Museum saying the thieves made off with a piece of history.
John Rothmann: Bay Bridge Fiasco
With its cost overruns and questionable construction, John Rothmann looks at the fiasco that is the new eastern span of the Bay Bridge.
John Rothmann: Auschwitz – 70 Years Later
John Rothmann reflects on how it has been 70 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
John Rothmann: The Corruption of American Politics
John Rothmann talks about the ultimate political corruption as the Koch brothers have announced they will spend $1 billion on campaigns in 2016.
John Rothmann: Congress vs Candidate
John Rothmann talks about the growing field of potential Republican candidates for the 2016 election and how the Republican Congress’ record in the next 2 years can affect the race.
John Rothmann: Where is the California Accountability?
From the Bay Bridge to the P.U.C. John Rothmann says there is no accountability in California.
John Rothmann: It’s Jeb
John Rothmann says Bush is running, Clinton is running, and it may be Bush vs. Clinton again.
John Rothmann: Middle East Imploding!
The Middle East is imploding and John Rothmann asks “Where is President Obama?”
John Rothmann: Free Thanks to DNA
After almost 40 years in prison, an innocent man is free thanks to DNA. John Rothmann explains.
John Rothmann: The Ukraine Heats Up
Russia is at it again in the Ukraine. John Rothmann discusses.
John Rothmann: Measles Outbreak and the Need for Vaccination
John Rothmann talks about how with the recent measles outbreak, vaccination is critical.
John Rothmann: Middle East Uncertainty Grows
John Rothmann says the news from the Middle East is not good…Japanese hostages to be beheaded, the king of Saudi Arabia dies and our key ally in Yemen is overthrown.
John Rothmann: Romney And Bush To Meet
John Rothmann talks about a proposed meeting between Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney to discuss the 2016 election.
John Rothmann: Rebellion In The House
John Rothmann talks about a deep division in the Republican party over such social issues as abortion and the 20-week rule.
John Rothmann: Chilling Sermon From Jerusalem
John Rothmann on Sheikh Omar Abu Sara’s calls for the slaughter of the Jews.
John Rothmann: Netanyahu To Address Congress
John Rothmann on how the Israeli Prime Minister will to speak to Congress about Iran on February 11th.
John Rothmann: Senator Ernst’s Weak Response
John Rothmann talks about how he believes Senator Ernst’s response to the State Of The Union was weak.
John Rothmann: Republican Response Comes Up Short
John Rothmann believes Senator Joni Ernst’s Republican response to the State Of The Union was ineffective came up short.
John Rothmann: Obama Hits A Home Run
John Rothmann on how he thinks the President gave a great State Of The Union address.
John Rothmann: The State Of The Union
John Rothmann talks about the President delivering his sixth State Of The Union speech.
John Rothmann: Historical Movies
On this M.L.K. Jr. birthday, John Rothmann says movies do not necessarily reflect accurate history.
John Rothmann: The US Supreme Court Will Look at Same Sex Marriage
Same sex marriage and equal protection under the law go to the Supreme Court. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Obama’s State Of The Union Address and The Republican Response
John Rothmann discusses the President’s upcoming State Of The Union address and the republican response to be delivered by Senator Joni Ernst.
John Rothmann: Preemptive Strike In Belgium
John Rothmann on how the normally quiet country of Belgium makes the headlines after a preemptive sweep to take out terrorists.
John Rothmann: Terror in Nigeria
John Rothmann on the tragic incidents in Nigeria caused by Islamic terrorists, Boko Haram.
John Rothmann: Al-Qaida Linked To Paris Attacks
John Rothmann talks about how al-Qaida in Yemen claims credit for the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the Jews in Paris.
John Rothmann: Romney, Bush and the Mushy Middle
John Rothmann talks about the possible field of Republican candidates for the 2016 election and whether the party will lean right or center.
John Rothmann: Obama vs Congress
John Rothmann talks about how the battle has begun between President Obama and the new Republican controlled Congress.
John Rothmann: Unpleasant Truths About The Paris Attacks
John Rothmann talks about how the attacks in Paris were not simply an attack against France but against the entire West and it will happen again.
John Rothmann: Barbara Boxer Says “No More”
California Senator Barbara Boxer says she won’t run for another term. John Rothmann reports.
John Rothmann: Massacre in Paris
John Rothmann discusses the terrorist massacre in Paris that left 12 dead.
John Rothmann: Mario Cuomo Perspective
John Rothmann’s perspective on the recent passing of former New York Governor and liberal standard-bearer, Mario Cuomo.
John Rothmann: Mitt Romney – Will He Run in 2016?
John Rothmann on the chances Mitt Romney may again be the Republican candidate for President in 2016.
John Rothmann: Egypt President and Revolution
John Rothmann on the Egyptian President’s talk on revolution.
John Rothmann: Failure of the Middle East UN Resolution
John Rothmann talks about why the United Nations resolution on the Middle East was a failure.
John Rothmann: Scalise, the GOP, and Doing the Right Thing
John Rothmann on the controversy surrounding House of Representative Whip Steve Scalise attending a supremacist event twelve years ago.
John Rothmann: Careful GOP
The lesson of 1928: Republicans are up today, but what about tomorrow? John Rothmann discusses.
John Rothmann: Hamas Obstructing Peace
Hamas refuses to allow Palestinian children to visit Israel. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Is the Afghanistan War Over?
John Rothmann reminds us that the war in Afghanistan is not over.
John Rothmann: Abortion and Free Speech
Abortion and free speech intersect in the Federal Court. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: ISIS Moves on Israel?
Islamic State forces closing in on Israel from the North and South. John Rothmann hosts.