Here we go again: Egypt bans Exodus calling it a Zionist film. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: What Christmas in Oakland?
Christmas violence in Oakland has no place. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Dick Cheney And Torture
John Rothmann discusses former Vice-President Dick Cheney’s justification for using torture following the Senate Intelligence Report.
John Rothmann: The Christian Community In Iraq
John Rothmann touches on the tragic story of the destruction of the Christian community in Iraq.
John Rothmann: Cyber Warfare?
Cyber warfare goes far beyond North Korea. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Two NYC Police Officers Killed and the Rhetorical Excess Follows
Two police officers dead and rhetorical excess abounds. John Rothmann discusses.
John Rothmann: North Korea’s Cyber Attack
John Rothmann says North Korea’s cyber attack is really cyber war.
John Rothmann: The Last of the Murrow Boys Passes
John Rothmann on the passing of Richard C. Hottelet, the last of the Murrow Boys. An era ends but the legend lives on.
John Rothmann: The Bottom Line in the Middle East
John Rothmann on how the right of Israel to exist remains the bottom line in the Middle East.
John Rothmann: Airstrikes Against ISIS
John Rothmann talks about the U.S. airstrikes that have taken out 3 Islamic State leaders.
John Rothmann: Cuba and Beyond In Politics
The politics surrounding the Cuban decision will effect how Florida’s electoral votes may go in 2016.
John Rothmann: Obama’s Decision on Cuba
John Rothmann believes President Obama made the right decision in trying to reestablish diplomatic relations with Cuba.
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John Rothmann: Jeb Is In
John Rothmann says Jeb Bush is almost certain to run for the G.O.P.nomination.
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John Rothmann: Major Terrorist Attack in Pakistan
Terror in Pakistan is a grave threat to the world. John Rothmann discusses.
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John Rothmann: Ireland Reverses Holocaust Decision
John Rothmann reports that protest worked in reversing the Irish decision to omit Israel from Holocaust memorial.
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John Rothmann: Problems with the Spending Bill
John Rothmann says that while the government will not shut down there are real problems with the spending bill.
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John Rothmann: A Forced Peace Will Not Work
John Rothmann talks about the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. A U.N. resolution imposing time limits in the region will not work.
John Rothmann: Political Winners Out of the Spending Bill
As the spending bill passes, the two big winners are Senators Cruz and Warren. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Is the President’s Executive Order Agenda Legal?
Presidential power and executive orders. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Irish Shame
No mention of Israel to be permitted at Irish Holocaust observance. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Congress Fails Again On Budget
John Rothmann talks about Congress’ $1.1 trillion spending bill that only postpones the tough decisions they must make.
John Rothmann: Biden vs Cheney
In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Report, John Rothmann discusses the divide and debate between Vice-Presidents Joe Biden and Dick Cheney.
John Rothmann: Hillary Seems Inevitable
John Rothmann believes that the choice of Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democratic nominee is very likely.
John Rothmann: A Divided Nation
With the release of the Senate Intelligence Report on the CiA, John Rothmann believes that the nation will be further divided along party lines.
John Rothmann: CIA Going Overboard?
The Senate Intelligence Committee report reveals unpleasant truths about CIA activities regarding enemy combatants. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Release Of Senate Report
The Senate releases its intelligence report and John Rothmann weighs in.
John Rothmann: GOP Dominates The South
John Rothmann talks about the Republican party continues to be strong and dominate in the southern states.
John Rothmann: Syria Imploding
John Rothmann looks at the ongoing crisis in the Middle East as Israel strikes arms headed for Hezbollah and Syria continues to implode.
John Rothmann: Kerry Vs Feinstein?
John Rothmann says Feinstein and Kerry disagree on releasing the report on terror abuses.
John Rothmann: “We Tried to Save Them”
John Rothmann says rescue attempt fails and tragedy strikes again.
John Rothmann: Is Jeb Bush Going to Run?
John Rothmann thinks it’s getting more and more likely that Jeb Bush will run for president in 2016.
John Rothmann: The Debate On Race
John Rothmann reflects on the Eric Garner grand jury decision and on the race debate in America.
John Rothmann: 17 States Sue The President
John Rothmann on how 17 states are suing the President over immigration.
John Rothmann: Israel’s Nukes and the UN
The U.N. hits Israel…again. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: The Racial Profiling Debate
John Rothmann discusses the racial profiling getting underway after the events in Ferguson, Missouri.
John Rothmann: Detaining the Al-Baghdadi Family
John Rothmann asks if it is legitimate to detain the wife and son of ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi?
John Rothmann: The Race For 2016 Is On
John Rothmann talks politics as the race for the White House in 2016 gets underway.
John Rothmann: Facebook and Free Speech
John Rothmann discusses the Supreme Court taking on a case involving Facebook posts and free speech.
John Rothmann: The Lessons of Defeat
After the Oakland Raiders 52-0 loss against the Rams, John Rothmann looks at losing in general, what it means, and the lessons one can take from defeat.
John Rothmann: Turkey, Kurds, and ISIS
John Rothmann on the serious situation between Turkey, the Kurds, and ISIS.
John Rothmann: Mubarak Not Guilty
John Rothmann says Mubarak not guilty is a triumph for the Egyptian military and a defeat for the Muslim Brotherhood.
John Rothmann: No State Of The Union Speech?
An absurd suggestion by some in the G.O.P. not to invite President Obama to deliver his State of the Union to a joint session of Congress. John Rothmann comments.
John Rothmann: Egypt Is Seething
John Rothmann says the The Muslim Brotherhood is back and Egypt is seething.
John Rothmann: Demand For Romney On The Rise
John Rothmann on how demand for a presidential run by Mitt Romney in 2016 is increasing.
John Rothmann: The Fragility of the Supreme Court
As Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg undergoes a heart procedure, John Rothmann talks about how fragile the balance in the Supreme Court is.
John Rothmann: Reflections On Ferguson
John Rothmann reflects on recent events in Ferguson, Missouri.
John Rothmann: Foreign Policy in the Middle East
John Rothmann talks about foreign policy being front and center with Iran and Afghanistan being the key issues.
John Rothmann: JFK – 51 Years Ago
The death of a president 51 years later. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Middle-East Slaughter
John Rothmann responds to Caroline Glick’s “Responding to the Slaughter” a tragic but true commentary.
John Rothmann: Arms Deal Hurry With Iran
Rush toward nuclear agreement with Iran has dangers ahead. John Rothmann reports.