John Rothmann talks about how in the showdown between Republicans and the President, the issue for the GOP is not immigration but Obama himself.
John Rothmann: Is Impeachment on the Table?
John Rothmann talks about the showdown coming between Republicans and President Obama over immigration. Is impeachment on the table? If the GOP is serious, it should be.
John Rothmann: Battle for the Keystone Pipeline
John Rothmann on how the debate and battle for the Keystone pipeline is not dead, just merely on hold.
John Rothmann: Tensions Rise in Ukraine
John Rothmann talks about the rising tensions in Ukraine and how they could lead to armed conflict.
John Rothmann: Tragedy in Jerusalem
John Rothmann talks about the latest tragedy in Jerusalem and the harsh rhetoric from Iran.
John Rothmann: All Eyes On Ferguson
John Rothmann on how all eyes are on Ferguson, Missouri as the Grand Jury gets ready to make its report.
John Rothmann: GOP Furious Over Executive Order
John Rothmann discusses the President’s upcoming executive order and how the GOP is furious.
John Rothmann: UC Accountability
John Rothmann on the increases in tuition at the University of California system.
John Rothmann: Another Beheading
Islamic State beheading of Peter Kassig and others must be stopped but how? John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Firestorm Brewing Between Obama and GOP
John Rothmann talks about how executive power on immigration is creating a firestorm between the President and Republicans. Is impeachment on the table?
John Rothmann: GOP in 2016
John Rothmann talks about how the GOP race for president is about to get underway.
John Rothmann: Out Of This World Comet
John Rothmann on the out of the world landing on a comet by the European space agency.
John Rothmann: Climate Change Treaty
John Rothmann on how the climate change accord with China shows the increasing rift between President Obama and the GOP.
John Rothmann: Ebola Fears Have Abated
John Rothmann on how the fear and hysteria over the Ebola outbreak appears to have abated somewhat.
John Rothmann: Trouble with Russia and Putin
John Rothmann on how Vladimir Putin and Russia remain troubling in a troubled world.
John Rothmann: Reagan Recordings Revealed
John Rothmann on the discovery of recordings made by President Reagan with world leaders.
John Rothmann: US and Iran Deal?
The deadline for an agreement with Iran is fast approaching. Can a deal be reached? John Rothmann discusses.
John Rothmann: Obama and Congress Big Bang Theory
John Rothmann says the announced Republican agenda puts the Congress on a collision course with President Obama.
John Rothmann: Impeach Obama?
President Obama talks about executive action and the G.O.P. offers rumblings of impeachment. John Rothmann hosts.
John Rothmann: Iran Destroy Israel?
Even as nuclear talks proceed, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calls for Israel’s annihilation.
John Rothmann: A New Attorney General?
John Rothmann talks about Loretta Lynch being nominated for Attorney General!
John Rothmann: Obamacare at the Supreme Court – Again
John Rothmann says the fate of Obamacare hangs before the Supreme Court…again!
John Rothmann: Get Me to the Court on Time?
The Supreme Court will rule on same-sex marriage sooner rather than later. John Rothmann comments.
John Rothmann: The Economic Numbers are Looking Good – Who Gets the Credit?
John Rothmann looks at the latest economic numbers – do the Democrats get any credit and what do they mean as we move on from the mid-term elections?
John Rothmann: Battle Lines Are Drawn In Washington
John Rothmann on the GOP getting ready to push its agenda now that it has control of Congress.
John Rothmann: Republicans Win Big
John Rothmann discusses how the Republicans big win as they capture the Senate and keep control of the House.
John Rothmann: Case Against Citizens United
With Election Day today, John Rothmann talks about how Citizens United was a bad decision.
John Rothmann The Right-to-Die Debate Continues
John Rothmann talks about how even though Brittany Maynard is now dead, the debate continues on the right-to-die.
John Rothmann: Bullets Vs Ballots
John Rothmann compares the ballots of our democratic election process to the bullets, death, and destruction in Iraq and Syria.
John Rothmann: Bay Bridge Costs On the Rise – Again
John Rothmann on how cost overruns for the new Bay Bridge continue.
John Rothmann: Global Warming is Real
John Rothmann on the UN reporting that global warming is a reality and the time to act is now.
John Rothmann: History Haunting the GOP?
The challenge facing the GOP goes back to 1964. John Rothmann explains.
John Rothmann: US and Israel Still Allies?
Tensions between the U.S. and Israel may exist, but they will not effect the alliance between two allies.
John Rothmann: Race is a Factor in the Election
With an African-American in the White House, race is becoming an election issue. John Rothmann analyzes.
John Rothmann: The Jihadist Threat Increases
John Rothmann discusses how Jihadists from 80 countries which are fighting alongside ISIS, are increasing the threat.
John Rothmann: GOP Battle Lines
Senator Ted Cruz has drawn the battle lines for the GOP in 2016.
John Rothmann: Civil Liberties or National Security?
As the postal service widens its practice of monitoring mail and security tightens at federal buildings, John Rothmann asks “What is more important, civil liberties or national security?”
John Rothmann: Boehner Could Win And Lose
John Rothmann talks about as the election approaches, gains by the Tea Party would give the GOP an advantage but could reshape the party and force Boehner from leadership.
John Rothmann: Obamacare Is Here To Stay
John Rothmann on how even if the Republicans capture the Senate, President Obama’s healthcare plan will not be repealed.
John Rothmann: One Week Until The Mid-Term Elections
John Rothmann talks about how the mid-term elections are just a week away and the make-up of the Senate hangs in the balance.
John Rothmann: Jeb Bush Appears Ready For 2016
John Rothmann on how as the 2016 election draws closer, Jeb Bush appears to be poised to run.
John Rothmann: Christians Flee Iraq and the World is Silent
John Rothmann talks about the continuing crisis in Iraq and as Christians flee the region, the world reacts with silence.
John Rothmann: Science Vs. Fear
John Rothmann on how politics, science, and fear are playing into the current Ebola crisis.
John Rothmann: Afghanistan – Now What?
The US is leaving Afghanistan. Is it a repeat of Vietnam and Iraq? John Rothmann analyzes.
John Rothmann: Frank Mankiewicz Dies at 90
John Rothmann reflects on the passing of former Robert F. Kennedy press secretary in 1968 and president of NPR, Frank Mankiewicz. Mankiewicz died at age 90 and left his mark on America.
John Rothmann: More Middle East Headlines
John Rothmann on how the numerous headlines from the Middle East reflect the tragedy that is happening in the region.
John Rothmann: Secession Is Not An Option
John Rothmann believes a proposal by southern states to secede from the union and call themselves “Reagan” is utter lunacy.
John Rothmann: Terror in Ottawa
John Rothmann says what happened in Ottawa demonstrates the danger of radical Islam.
John Rothmann: Reagan’s Astrologer Dies
John Rothmann on the passing of astrologer Joan Quigley and how President Reagan never made a move without her advice.
John Rothmann: Say No to the Sidetalk Toll
John Rothmann disagrees with the idea of a sidewalk toll for the Golden Gate Bridge. Walking across the famous span should remain free.