Barbara Simpson on how cuts to the food stamp program are causing a huge financial hit to merchants and are threatening the poor.
Barbara Simpson: Could Ebola Affect the Cost of Chocolate?
Barbara Simpson talks about the problems associated with Ebola and one not previously considered: the effect on chocolate and cocoa prices and supplies.
Barbara Simpson: Taking Ebola Seriously Now?
Americans have gotten complacent about contagious diseases because of all the vaccinations we have – -so we (including the medical establishment) don’t take Ebola seriously. Barbara Simpson hosts.
Barbara Simpson: Road Rage and How We React
Barbara Simpson recounts a couple of road rage incidents, talks about her reactions then recounts one last week, an encounter with a cussing Vet!
Barbara Simpson: Objections to the Plastic Bag Ban
Barbara Simpson criticizes the Plastic Bag Ban, gives examples, tells how retailers win the jackpot on this and a couple of snarky ways to protest – – plus supporting an initiative!
Barbara Simpson: Fleet Week Shipboard Memories
Barbara Simpson on her experience landing on an aircraft carrier, reflecting on the youth and skill of the crews and the demands we put on these volunteers.
Barbara Simpson: Our So-Called Security
Lax security in our country at this time of great threat: At the White House, the guy got in; at airports; at the border, illegal middle easterners do get in; a beheading in Oklahoma. What are we doing about it and why the soft reaction or no reaction from the President?
Barbara Simpson: Who’s A Cowboy?
Barbara Simpson talks about ranching, an industry that’s part of America’s heritage, and asks why so many are trying to destroy it.
Barbara Simpson: Obama’s Lack of Decorum to the Military
Obama salutes Marines with coffee cup; White house refuses invitation for Obama to attend the dedication (on Oct. 5) of a new DC Mall Memorial to disabled vets; these plus other examples of the President’s and Michelle’s flouting of proper decorum as the first couple.
Barbara Simpson suggest if she hates living in the White House so much, she should get out. The Military is not happy with her husband either.
Barbara Simpson: Is It War Yet?
Barbara Simpson asks if we are at war now that the bombing started and what happens if our guys get shot down?
Barbara Simpson: Censorship of the U.S. Flag: Equality Is Not Equal
Barbara Simpson on the censorship of American flags on school campuses if Latinos object. It’s a case of equality but some are more equal than others.
Barbara Simpson: The Cowboy Express Rides Again
Barbara Simpson talks about the battle between ranchers and the Federal Government. The Cowboy Express rides again!
Barbara Simpson: A Light Touch on Technology
Barbara Simpson says life is crazy but you have to laugh.
Barbara Simpson: No, It’s War
Barbara Simpson talks about how the President says no boots on the ground. He wants aerial and advisors. Secretary Kerry is trying to get allies to sign on but many don’t trust the president.
Barbara Simpson: The Third Decapitation, Religion and Our Risk
Barbara Simpson discusses how the first victim was Catholic, second Jewish, third – – well, his brother said they are athiests but he defended the ‘religion of peace.’ What does it all mean for us and what about the next victim?
Barbara Simpson: Wilders on Dutch Terrorism
Barbara Simpson on outspoken Dutch politician Geert Wilders who wants all militant Islamists in his country to leave and he’ll escort them out. She relates that to our country where we have had so many threats against us and NO one, from Obama on down, has a plan to deal with it.
Barbara Simpson: Joan Rivers is Gone
Barbara Simpson reflects on Joan Rivers and her contributions to the world of comedy and add a summary of her life and bravery and notes that she will be missed.
Barbara Simpson: Obama Lies and We’re in Danger
Barbara Simpson talks about how Obama thinks we can’t see what he’s doing by his doing nothing and lying about the real threat from militant Islam.
Barbara Simpson: Have we forgotten 9/11 and what has and is happening?
Barbara Simpson looks at what’s happened since 9/11 – – where we are now and that we must not forget – – and spreads the invitation for everyone to attend the City of Danville memorial on 9/11 at Oak Hill Park at 5:50 p.m.
Barbara Simpson: Pork, Poison, Rats and Skin Color
Barbara Simpson talks about how we are inundated with news and often things slip by. Four items that might not make headlines yet demand some kind of response.
Barbara Simpson: Heads Off, It’s War
Barbara Simpson says decapitation video is censored just as the 9/11 footage was/is censored – – because ‘we can’t handle it’ or because we need not know WHO is responsible. There is fear we might be judgmental – – but the enemy wants us destroyed and unless we ID the enemy, we will lose – – everything. They are at war with us. We’d better admit it.
Barbara Simpson: CA Taxpayers Pay for Lawyers for Kid Illegals
Barbara Simpson talks about how Jerry Brown and legislators think it’s good for taxpayers to give $3 million to non-profits to handle legal issues for illegal kids. It’ll be voted on this month and only requires a majority vote to pass.
Barbara Simpson: Terrorism on the March
Barbara Simpson analyzes the spread of militant Islam into the West, converting white-skinned, blue-eyed people while the U.S. just ‘ends’ wars and virtually ignores the dangers out there, especially as a General is gunned down and a journalist beheaded.
Barbara Simpson: If This Isn’t War…
Barbara Simpson says the beheading of James Foley is a declaration of war. Obama’s tepid speech shows he’s too frightened to realize it’s war and he has no plan to protect the country.
Barbara Simpson & Ed Baxter: Is Jerry Brown Losing It?
Barbara Simpson and Ed Baxter discuss California Governor Jerry Brown’s latest proposals. Simpson says Brown is showing us who he’s always been and Baxter says he thinks the Governor has changed.
Barbara Simpson & John Rothmann Agree on Radical Islam
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann talk about the dilemma of our security and and radical Islam.
Ken Dito: Tim Lincecum Must Perform
Ken Dito says that Tim Lincecum is hurting the Giants chances of winning when he is on the mound. He refuses to keep base runners close – unacceptable.
Barbara Simpson – John Rothmann: Gun Rights / Gun Control Debate
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann debate gun rights, Second Amendment, Jim Brady, gun licensing like an automobile.
Barbara Simpson vs. John Rothmann: Immigration – Wow!
Barbara Simpson and John Rothmann disagree about legal and illegal immigration. Rothmann charges Simpson to round up illegal aliens and Simpson says seal the borders.
Barbara Simpson: Vote Out Sacramento
Barbara Simpson makes the case to vote against incumbents in November. Projects like ethics, Bay Bridge problems, and the building of the Bullet Train should lead to defeating Jerry Brown and the legislature.
Barbara Simpson: Obama Snubs General
Barbara Simpson, The Babe in the Bunker, says President Obama is ignoring the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.
Barbara Simpson: Jerry Brown in Mexico
Barbara Simpson looks at California Governor Jerry Brown’s trip to Mexico. Mexican environmental issues tied to illegal immigrants coming across our borders.
Barbara Simpson & Ken Dito Talk Sports
Ken Dito and Barbara Simpson talk about the Ray Rice assault case, Aldon Smith reports to the Niners.
Barbara Simpson: Rules for High School Students
Do schools actually teach anymore? Barbara Simpson goes through some rules all students should know before graduating high school.
Barbara Simpson: Where is this Steak From?
Barbara Simpson talks about the need for the meat we eat to be labelled. There is a danger of food-borne illness.
Barbara Simpson: Hollywood and Israel Courage
Barbara Simpson talks about Mayim Bialik who has donated money to buy bullet proof vests for Israelis. Simpson says the Big Bang Theory actress displays courage.
Barbara Simpson Bashes Geraldo
Barbara Simpson bashes Geraldo Rivera for bashing Drudge. Simpson says his coverage of immigrants crossing the border is horrendous regarding Ebola and other diseases.
Barbara Simpson: Define A Child
Barbara Simpson says she is tired of the media calling illegal immigrants who are teenagers and young adults “children” in order to gain sympathy for them.
Barbara Simpson: Would You Stand on a Flight?
Barbara Simpson talks about several airlines looking at taking out seats and have you fly standing.
Barbara Simpson: President Obama Fundraises and Fundraises
Barbara Simpson discusses the fundraising that President Obama is doing. Fundraising in Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Barbara Simpson: The Real West is Still Alive
Barbara Simpson says those people who discount the spirit of the West are tragically mistaken. The morals and values should be envied.
Barbara Simpson: Does the President Serve All the People?
Barbara Simpson says the President has been ignoring high profile Republicans regarding the Immigration issue. Simpson says Obama needs to respond to Arizona governor Jan Brewer.
Barbara Simpson: Prisoner Exchange and Gitmo
Barbara Simpson says the investigation into Bowe Bergdahl hasn’t reached any conclusion. Simpson says Gitmo is a farce.
Barbara Simpson: Illegal Aliens and Drivers’ Licenses
Barbara Simpson complains that many undocumented workers should have the same standards for obtaining drivers licenses. Simpson says many illegals can’t read road signs and tests.
Barbara Simpson: Kill the Killers
Barbara Simpson quotes a judge who says the California death penalty is more like life in prison. Is there justice for the victim and the system?
Barbara Simpson: Journalists Won’t Say “Illegal”
Barbara Simpson asks why journalists don’t say “Illegal Aliens.” It’s not in the AP style book.
Barbara Simpson: Real Border, Real Immigration
Barbara Simpson says the invasion of illegal aliens must stop. She says the battle along the border is lost.
Barbara Simpson: Free Pot in Berkeley
Barbara Simpson says the idea of free pot in Berkeley is mind-blowing. She says the idea of free medical marijuana for the poor is a bad idea.
Barbara Simpson: All Americans Should Arm Themselves
Barbara Simpson talks gun owners’ rights and the danger of gun grabbers. Chicago should be a message to the country for Americans to protect themselves.
Barbara Simpson: Illegal Immigrants Streaming Across Our Borders are a Danger to Citizens
Barbara Simpson says Illegal Aliens are endangering US citizens. She says if this continues it will change Americans’ way of life in a very bad way.