Ed Baxter discusses the Pew Research Poll on whether race is getting too much attention in the Ferguson, Missouri discussions. Ed feels there is a large disconnect between races and that everybody needs to understand.
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Seeds For Your Brain
Why do more “people of color” seem to take race into consideration (e.g., 37% of whites but 80% of people-of-color) than do whites?
Why is the knockout game almost exclusively played against whites?
Why is black-on-black crime and black-on-white crime much more common, but less reported than white-on-black crime?
In the Ferguson case, why is the criminal nature of thuggery demonstrated by the video of black Michael Brown’s convenience store robbery deemed not legally relevant to the crime, but the white police officer’s history is deemed relevant?
Why did a similar incident where a black officer killed an unarmed white guy a few days later barely make a blip news (http://www.wnd.com/2014/08/black-cop-kills-white-man-media-hide-race/)? Hmm?
Why do neighborhoods of color complain about no jobs, but can’t see that a culture of robbery and criminal behavior makes businesses (i.e., jobs) stay away?
Is it too difficult to understand that the racial disconnect has little to do with color, but a lot to do with cultural lawless behavior?
The solution to our problems is to return Bible-teaching and prayer to the schools that was removed in the 1960’s.