He Ken, just going through some old papers and there was a Thank you note from you, I I had given you acomp for the play Bleacher Bums in 1991. I had first met you when I won a comp to the Ice capades.(You were on Via Com6 then. So I did a search… Hope you get this. In the meanwhile, back in 1987 harry caray tabbed me as the Cubs #1 fan. I hit 82 this year and those are not homers. Cheers
He Ken, just going through some old papers and there was a Thank you note from you, I I had given you acomp for the play Bleacher Bums in 1991. I had first met you when I won a comp to the Ice capades.(You were on Via Com6 then. So I did a search… Hope you get this. In the meanwhile, back in 1987 harry caray tabbed me as the Cubs #1 fan. I hit 82 this year and those are not homers. Cheers